Program details
For a more detailed academic outline, see the program and degree requirements webpage.
Tailorable program combinations
This accelerated program allows students from most majors to complete an accelerated seminary degree by taking seminary courses while still in undergrad. So, whether you want to major in missional ministries, business, or education, there's a pathway for you to complete your undergraduate degree and advance to a Bethel Seminary degree.
Ministry engagement experience
In addition to classroom experiences, the accelerated Ministry Scholars program offers a unique collection of co-curricular opportunities to build students’ networks, expose them to a wide variety of ministry settings, and help them discern God’s unique calling for their lives. These experiences include:
Discipleship: Students can meet with current Bethel Seminary students who will serve as intentional discipleship leaders. Students will also meet with the program director each semester to discuss their personal growth and calling.
Fall and winter retreats: These off-site events will give students extended learning opportunities and connection with others. Retreats will focus on spiritual disciplines; what it means to live on mission; and exploring one’s strengths, personality and spiritual gifts. They will take place in the fall and over January session break before the start of second semester.
Personal retreat: Each student will be encouraged to take a 24-hour personal prayer retreat each year (they will be given $80 toward their travel and stay).
Spiritual direction: Each semester, students will be encouraged to receive spiritual direction from local formation centers (they will be given $50 towards each session).
Training: Throughout each semester, there will be training for students to learn and practice ministry concepts otherwise not taught in the classroom.
Internships: Students will have the opportunity to intern in seminary with local churches and non-profit organizations to gain real-world experience in ministry settings and build their professional networks.
Benefits of the Ministry Scholars program
Ministry Scholars will save time and tuition as they take courses that count for both their undergraduate and seminary degrees at once.
- Students who qualify for the Kern Ministry Scholarship will be eligible for an additional $5,000 scholarship. All co-curricular training and mentoring opportunities will be offered free of cost to students accepted into the Ministry Scholars program.
When you graduate, you will be prepared to lead in various contexts without the amount of debt typically accumulated from two degrees of this kind. Most importantly, you will have the skills and the training to lead and disciple others with courage.
Who should consider this accelerated program?
Students who feel called to pastoral ministry in the United States. The grant-funded Kern Ministry Scholarship will be earmarked for those who use the program to fast-track their path into pastoral ministry. The $5,000 scholarship will be applied in a student’s first year of seminary, and—in addition to taking fewer credits and graduating faster—will help students graduate with less debt.
Students who are ministry-minded but want to work outside of professional ministry. Program participants will gain a foundation in theology—with a robust co-curricular lineup—with less of a time commitment.
Students who want to have both a main profession and a ministry role. The program allows for a wide variety of undergraduate degrees—and bi-vocational career paths—while still preparing students for missional living.
- Students who aren't sure where their lives and career will take them, but want to build their theological training and leadership agility for when they get there.
Learn more about program and degree requirements.
Meet the program director

Bryce Johnson '12, S'16 brings years of experience in church and college ministries to the Ministry Scholars program. Having served with several college campuses to develop greater discipleship initiatives, he has invested in the lives of countless young adults. Serving in church relations around the Twin Cities he has connections with many churches and local leaders. His passion is to see those who feel far from God draw closer and deeper to the Father's heart. You can find Bryce active in the
local church, getting to know students on campus, and participating in community events.