Christian Collins Winn

Job Title


Historical and systematic theology, with special interest in post-reformation and modern theology

Started at Bethel



  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro - B.A., 1993
  • Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - M.Div., 1999
  • Drew University - M.Phil., 2003
  • Drew University - Ph.D., 2006


My work and interests focus on the intersection of history, theology, and politics. I am currently working on articles, edited collections, and monograph length works exploring the theology of Karl Barth, the theo-political meaning of the kingdom of God, the relevance of pietism for contemporary theology, the history of Christian thought, the theology of the resurrection, the problematics of race, and political theology and the Black Radical Tradition. 

Courses Taught

  • Humanities 1-4
  • Early Church to Reformation Theology in Global Perspective
  • Post-Reformation to Contemporary Theology in Trans-Atlantic Perspective
  • Christian Theology
  • Advanced Topics in Historical Theology: Barth and Bonhoeffer
  • Advanced Topics in Systematic Theology: Trinitarian Theology
  • Advanced Topics in Theology: Political Theology
  • Conflict, Reconciliation and the Church
  • World Christianity in Asia, Africa and the Middle East
  • Studies in Technology and Society
  • The Reformations
  • History, Faith, and Society



From the Margins: A Celebration of the Theological Work of Donald W. Dayton, edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2007).

"Jesus is Victor!" The Significance of the Blumhardts for the Theology of Karl Barth (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2009).

Friedrich Zuendel. Johann Christoph Blumhardt: An Account of His Life, edited by Christian T. Collins Winn and Charles Moore (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010).

The Pietist Impulse in Christianity, edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn, Christopher Gehrz, G. William Carlson, and Eric Holst (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011).

Christoph Blumhardt, The Gospel of God's Reign: Living for the Kingdom of God, edited by Christian T. Collins Winn and Charles E. Moore (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013)

Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology, edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn and John L. Drury (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014)

Reclaiming Pietism: Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015) Co-authored with Roger Olson

Johann Christoph Blumhardt, Gospel Sermons: On Faith, the Holy Spirit, and the Coming Kingdom, edited by Christian T. Collins Winn and Charles E. Moore (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017)

Blumhardt, Christoph. Thoughts from the Kingdom of God, translated by Ruth Rhenius, Simeon Zahl, and Christian T. Collins Winn; edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn and Simeon Zahl (under contract with Cascade Books).

Of Parables and Politics (under contract with Eerdmans).

Articles and Book Chapters:

"Introduction," in From the Margins: A Celebration of the Theological Work of Donald W. Dayton. Edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn, xv-xxii. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2007.

"Response to 'Karl Barth and the Wider Ecumenism.'" In From the Margins: A Celebration of the Theological Work of Donald W. Dayton. Edited with an Introduction by Christian T. Collins Winn, 347-351. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2007.

"Intermezzo: A Conversation Between Donald W. Dayton and Christian Collins Winn on Evangelicals and Empire." In Evangelicals and Empire, edited by Peter G. Heltzel and Bruce Ellis Benson, 185-198. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2008. Co-authored with Donald W. Dayton

'Before Bloch there was Blumhardt': A Thesis on the Origins of the Theology of Hope." Scottish Journal of Theology 62/1 (2009): 26-39. Co-authored with Peter Heltzel

"Jesus the Jew in the Americas: The Promise of Post-Colonial Barthianism." Princeton Theological Review, vol. XV/2 (Fall 2009), 7-20.

"Karl Barth, Reconciliation and the Triune God." In The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity. Edited by Peter Phan. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 173-191. Co-authored with Peter Heltzel

"Kingdom." In Recovering Evangelicalism. Edited by Peter Heltzel, Malinda Berry, and Bruce Ellis Benson. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming.

"The Evangelical Pietism of Stanley J. Grenz." Submitted and under review with Modern Theology. Co-authored with Peter Heltzel

"Liberty and Freedom: A Conversation Between Isaiah Berlin and Karl Barth." In Theologies of Freedom. Edited by Peter G. Heltzel, Linda Thomas, and Corey D. B. Walker. Palgrave: forthcoming.

"Religionless Ecclesiology: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John Perkins and the Missional Church," in The Legacy of John Perkins, edited by Charles Marsh, Peter Slade, and Peter G. Heltzel (under review with University of Mississippi Press). Co-authored with Peter Heltzel


Conference Presentations and Participation

"Jubilee: An Evangelical-Ecumenical Proposal." Paper submitted in preparation for the Eighth Assembly of the WCC in Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1998.

"Liberty and Freedom: A Conversation between Isaiah Berlin and Karl Barth." Paper presented at the New England/Maritime Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Post-Democratic Movements Section), Brown University, March 2000.

"Convergences in Barth and Derrida: The State of the Debate." Paper presented at the Drew University Graduate Student Conference, Derridean Adjustments: Diving Resistance, April 2001.

"Kierkegaard and the Subversion of Christendom." Paper presented at the National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Kierkegaard and Culture Section), Denver, CO, November 2001. ** Co-authored with Donald W. Dayton.

"Blumhardt, Father and Son: From Liberation of the Body to Liberation of the Body Politic." Paper presented at Messiah College for the conference, Reconnecting Spirituality and Social Action, May 2002.

"Religion, Modernity and Theological Politics: Sites of Resistance in the African Independent Churches." Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society (Young Scholars Group), Atlanta, GA, November 2003.

"'Himmel fur die Erde': The Eschatological Social Vision of Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt." Paper presented at the Upper Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Liberation Theology Section), Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN, April 2004.

"'Before Bloch there was Blumhardt': A Thesis on the Origins of the Theology of Hope." Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Theological Considerations: War, Apologetics, Ontology, Hope), Ithica, NY, April 2004. **Co-authored with Peter Heltzel.

"Barth and Pietism: Issues for Future Dialogue." Presented as part of Panel Discussion of Eberhard Busch's Karl Barth and the Pietists, Meeting of the Karl Barth Society of North America, November 20, 2004, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX.

"Appropriating the Theological Radicalism of the 19th Century: On Karl Barth's Interpretation of Franz Overbeck." Paper presented at the Upper Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Historical Perspectives on Religion: Barth), Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN, April 2005.

"'Thus Sayeth the Lord . . .': Prophetic Voice, Evangelical Theology and Social Change." Paper presented at the American Academy of Religion (Theology and Religious Reflection), Philadelphia, PA, November 2005. ** Co-Authored with Chris Boesel.

"The Pietist Pneumatology of Stanley Grenz." Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society (Special Memorial Session), Valley Forge, PA, November 2005. **Co-Authored with Peter Heltzel.

"'Behold, I Make All Things New': Eschatological Imagination, Socialism and the Hope for the Kingdom of God." Paper presented at the Lilly Fellows Program conference on "The World and Christian Imagination," held at Baylor University, November 2006. **Co-Authored with Sara Shady.

Invited Participant to the Liberty Fund Colloquium "Divine Self-Limitation and Human Freedom." Held in Louisville, KY, April 26-29, 2007.

Participant in the Summer Institute in World Christianity, sponsored by New York Theological Seminary's The Center for World Christianity and the "Ecologies of Learning" project. New York, New York, June 14-24, 2007.

"The Chicago Declaration and the Problem of 'Evangelical' Identity." Presented at the Project on Lived Theology. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 2008.

Invited Participant to the "Envision: The Gospel, Politics and the Future" Conference Sponsored by New York Theological Seminary, Faith Voices for the Common Good, New York Faith and Justice, and Sojourners. New York City, NY, June 2008.

"'Co-fighters with Jesus' Why Christians Belong in Every Hell: the Blumhardts and Kingdom Justice" invited presentation in the Micah Institute's Global Justice Seminar Series, The Micah Institute at New York Theological Seminary, September 24, 2010. Presented with Charles E. Moore.

"'Marching on the Way to Zion'--Towards an Evangelical Social Imaginary: A Response to Soong-Chan Rah's The Next Evangelicalism." Presented at the Evangelical Theological Society (Young Scholar's Group), Atlanta, GA, November, 2010.

"The Problematics of Christian Supersessionism: A Response to 'The Churches and the Holocaust: History and its Possible Lessons'" by Victoria Barnett. Presented at "The Churches and the Holocaust" Symposium, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN, March 24, 2011.

Areas of expertise

Historical and systematic theology, with special interest in post-reformation and modern theology
