Emily Blackmer

Job Titles

  • Associate Program Director
    Social Work (B.A.) College of Adult and Professional Studies
  • Assistant Professor of Social Work
    Social Work (M.S.W.), Graduate School
    Social Work, College of Arts and Sciences


Assistant Professor in CAPS BA Social Work; Associate Program Director of CAPS BA Social Work Emily Blackmer's background includes working for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services as a Children's Social Worker, being assigned to Treatment and Dependency Investigation units. She has also worked in medical social work in a wide range of medical specialities including intensive outpatient psychiatric care, the emergency department, critical care units, mother/baby care, neonatal intensive care and pediatrics. She previously served as faculty in the BSW program at Azusa Pacific University and currently works in the transplant group at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Started at Bethel



  • Azusa Pacific University - B.S.W. in Social Work, 2007
  • Azusa Pacific University - M.S.W. in Social Work, 2013


Emily Blackmer's background includes working for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services as a Children's Social Worker, being assigned to Treatment and Dependency Investigation units. She has also worked in medical social work in a wide range of medical specialities including intensive outpatient psychiatric care, the emergency department, critical care units, mother/baby care, neonatal intensive care and pediatrics. She previously served as faculty in the BSW program at Azusa Pacific University and currently works in the transplant group at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Courses Taught

Human Behavior in the Social Environment (MSW); Advanced Social Work Practice III (MSW); Social Policy History (CAS BA Social Work); Experience in Anti-Racism and Justice-informed Social Work Practice (CAPS BA Social Work); Human Behavior in the Social Environment (CAPS BA Social Work); Social Welfare History (CAPS BA Social Work); History of Social Change Through Policy (CAPS BA Social Work); Mental Health in Social Work Practice (CAPS BA Social Work); Field Seminars I, II, III and IV (MSW); Trauma and Crisis in Social Work Practice (MSW); Advanced Social Policy, Community Health and Environmental Justice (MSW); Justice Informed Clinical Practice with Marginalized Populations (MSW); Abuse, Trauma and Mental Health in Social Work Practice (CAPS BA Social Work)


Rawlings, M. A. & Blackmer, E. R. (2018). Assessing engagement skills in public child welfare using OSCE: a pilot study. Journal of Public Child Welfare, DOI:10.1080/15548732.2018.1509760


Blackmer, E., & Rawlings, M. A. (2018, November). Adapting inter-professional training models to promote social justice in child welfare practice. Presented at the national annual program meeting for the Council on Social Work Education. Orlando, FL.

Blackmer, E., & Johnson, B. (2016, April). Promoting excellence in BSW education through an integrative and developmental teaching approach. Presented at the national annual conference of The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. Dallas, TX.

Blackmer, E. (2014). Understanding the Department of Children and Family Services. Presented at the 14th Annual Lewis B. Smedes Foster Care and Adoptions Conference for Child S.H.A.R.E. in Azusa, CA.

Certificates and Licenses

LGSW (MN License)

Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

National Association of Social Workers; Social Work Education and Outreach Committee at Mayo Clinic; Red Drop Resources Board of Directors; United States Air Force Key Spouse; Recruitment Committee at Mayo Clinic; Promotion and Tenure Committee at Bethel University

Hobbies and Interests

Cooking, traveling, hiking, spinning and spending time with her family and 4 dogs

Areas of expertise

Child Welfare, Social Welfare Policy, Transplant Social Work, Oncology Social Work and Social Work Education

Research interests

Caregiver support in cancer care; child welfare workforce development and training; social work education practice

Teaching specialty

Social policy, child welfare, social work in healthcare, advanced clinical practice, field seminar, mental health and trauma


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