Douglas Fombelle

Job Title
Doctor of Ministry, Bethel Seminary
Doctor of Ministry After graduating from Bethel Seminary, Doug Fombelle served as a pastor in a Converge congregation for over 25 years. In 2003 he joined Bethel Seminary as the Dean and Executive Officer of Bethel Seminary's East Coast extension campuses. He was designated Emeritus status by Bethel. He then served Denver Seminary as Director of Extension Education establishing extension campuses in DC and Amarillo. He remains active as a pastoral mentor and currently is an instructor in the Doctor of Ministry Degree program. Doug and Cathy have two married sons and three wonderful grandchildren.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel Seminary - Doctor of Ministry, 1994
Doug Fombelle is Dean Emeritus of Bethel Seminary of the East where he served from 2003-2013.
He also served Denver Seminary as Associate Professor of Leadership and Director of Extension Education. His teaching focus has been on Leadership and the Practice of Ministry.
Doug and his wife Cathy have been married for 49 years and have two married sons and 3 wonderful grandchildren.
Courses Taught
Denver Seminary
In Masters Programs; Biblical and Theoretical Foundations for Leadership: Blended Weekend format
In certificate program; Effective Communications for Ministry, seminar
Bethel Seminary of the East
In Masters Program:
The Book of I Corinthians, fully distance format
The Book of Philippians, fully distance format
The Historic Jesus, intensive format
Contextualization for Leaders, fully distance format
Transformational Leadership, multiple formats
Dynamics of Christian Worship, fully distant format
Organizational Leadership and Church Governance, fully distant format
Leading Congregational Worship: fully distant format
In Bethel Seminary's Doctor of Ministry Program
Understanding Congregational Systems, intensive format
Theology as Formation, intensive format
Innovation and Change for Longterm Ministry Effectiveness, intensive format
Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honorary Society
Dean Emeritis Bethel Seminary of the East
Evangelical Theological Society:
The Da Vinci Code as a Challenge to Truth; (San Antonio) with co-author Dr. Brad Mellon
The Non-Apostolic Preaching of the Cross; (Valley Forge) with co-author Dr. Brad Mellon
Facing the Dark Night of your Soul; and Are You Prepared to Lead Men? At the Mighty Men of Valor Conference November 2014; Mentoring Men to Mentor Men; and Transforming Leadership; in the Leadership Track at the Iron Sharpens Iron Men;s Conferences, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013
Transformational Leadership; lecture series at the Missionary Baptist Ministers Conference of DC and Vicinity Annual Preaching Series, Washington DC; May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010
The Journey of a Lifetime, Mighty Men of Valor, National Men's Conference, Cherry Hill NJ, Nov. 2011;
Certificates and Licenses
Online Teaching and Learning Certificate, 2013 United Theological Seminary, Dayton:
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Evangelical Theological Society
Evangelical Seminary Deans; Council: Vice Chairman: 2012, Chairman: 2013; Executive Committee 2014.
Hobbies and Interests
Hiking the Adirondack Mountains
Areas of expertise
Leadership Development Pastoral mentoring
Research interests
Innovation and change strategies
Teaching specialty
Doctor of Ministry: Leadership Development
Life is messy and complicatied and sometimes very painful, and that is exactly where Jesus meets us.