Ann Holland

Job Titles
Professor of Nursing
Nursing, College of Arts and Sciences
Community Health, College of Arts and Sciences
Professional work experiences in staff, education, and leadership roles in adult critical care; Academic leadership roles in associate-degree nursing education; Teaching in baccalaureate pre-licensure nursing education focused on adult medical/surgical nursing and nursing leadership
Started at Bethel
- Indiana University - B.S. in Nursing, 1983
- Bethel College - M.A. in Nursing, 2000
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration , 2011
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Sigma, the international honor society of nursing
Areas of expertise
Preparation of nursing students for NCLEX-RN success
Research interests
Racism and anti-racism in nursing education; Evaluator training for high-stakes simulation in nursing education; Simulation debriefing methods in nursing education; Community-based/transitions of care curriculum development and evaluation
Teaching specialty
Medical-surgical nursing in clinical and laboratory settings; Nursing leadership; Introduction to the US healthcare industry and healthcare professions