Peggy Kendall

Job Titles
Professor of Communication Studies, Faculty
Communication Studies , College of Arts and Sciences -
Strategic Leadership (M.A.) Graduate School
Kendall is a recent Fulbright Scholar who spent time in Poland researching issues related to eldercare. Her current field of study examines caregivers, specifically how culture impacts an individual's willingness to care for an aging relative and how COVID-19 has impacted the relationship between caregiver and elder. Her secondary research and writing focuses on how technology impacts faith, relationships, and identity.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel College - B.A. in Communication, 1983
- University of St. Thomas - M.A. in Education, 1988
- St. Mary's University - M.A. in Counseling Psychology, 1997
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Communication, 2004
Courses Taught
- Strategic Communication (GS)
- Group Communication
- Organizational Communication
- Strategic Social Media
- Advanced Public Speaking
- Speaking in Ministry Contexts
- Health Communication
- Communication, Technology, and Society
- Facilitating Difficult Conversations
- Nonverbal Communication
- Quantitative Research Methods
- Senior Capstone
- Europe Term Courses: Advanced Group Communication, Intercultural Communication, Language and Culture Area Study, Com, Tech and Society
Fulbright Scholar, 2020
2 Edgren Scholarships
Kendall, P., Scott, M., & Jolivette, K. (2019) “Well you can’t force them”: Altercasting in the home health care context. Journal of Communication Studies, 70(1), 71-93. doi:10.1080/10510974.2018.1462838
Kendall, P. (June, 2018). [Review of the book Heart of the machine: Our Future in a world of artificial intelligence, by Richard Yonck.] Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 70(2), 135‐136.
Kendall, P. (2009). Finding adolescents through cyberspace: Youth workers, teenagers, and Instant Messaging. In S. Socha & R. Stamp (Ed.s), Parents, children, and communication: Interfacing outside of home (pp. 241‐257). New York: Routledge/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Reboot: Refreshing Your Faith in a High-Tech World published in 2009 by Judson Press
Youth Ministry in a Technological Age an edited book published by Xlibris in 2011
Connected: Christian Parenting in an Age of IM and MySpace published by Judson Press in 2007
Rewired: Youth Ministry in an Age of IM and MySpace published by Judson Press in 2007
plus various articles and reviews in Youthworker Journal, Today's Christian Woman,
Peer-reviewed Scholarly Presentations
Kendall, P. (September 6‐9, 2018). Facebook, Cell Phones, and Google: What social technology can teach us about how to better engage our students. Paper presented at the XV CercleS International Conference, Poznan University of Technology, Poland.
Kendall, P. & Jolivette, K. (February, 2018). Fictive kinship and formal care: A study of social support and home health aides. Paper presented at the Edgren Scholarship award presentation. Bethel University, St. Paul, MN.
Kendall, P. & Jolivette, K. (March, 2017). “Well, you can’t force them”: Altercasting in the home health care context. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Health Communication Division. Minneapolis, MN.
Kendall, P., Baldwin, J., Coggio, G., & Smith, L. R. (March, 2017). Creating Study Abroad Programs: Addressing the challenges of educational outcomes, administrative constraints, and surviving life with a group of twenty year olds. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Communication Education Division. Minneapolis, MN.
Kendall, P. (March, 2015). Senior seminar: An examination of aging. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Communication Education Division. Madison, WI.
Kendall, P. (March, 2006). Youth work and Instant Messaging: Using cyberspace to meet the needs of young people. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Media Division. Indianapolis, Indiana. The paper received the top debut paper award.
Selected Keynote Presentations
Kendall, P. (March, 2021). The Fruit of Technology. Full day workshop at Hillside Baptist Church, Lakeville, MN.
Kendall, P. (July, 2019). Fruit of Social Media; Workshop for Living the Questions week at Bethel University, St. Paul, MN
Kendall, P. (February2012). Generosity in emerging generations. Keynote speech and workshop at the Ecumenical Stewardship Center Convention, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Kendall, P. (June, 2012). Social media and ministry: The state of the art. Workshop at the Converge and Bethel University Biennial Convention, Washington D.C.
Kendall, P. (June, 2011). The new normal. Keynote speeches and symposium at the American Baptist Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kendall, P. (August, 2011). Deconstructing the 21st century learning paradigm. Keynote speech at St. Johns University Technology Day, Collegeville, MN.
Hobbies and Interests
Peggy Kendall enjoys kayaking, watching old movies, Candy Crush, and watercolor.
Areas of expertise
Kendall has focused her research and writing in two areas. Most recently, she has conducted studies into the challenges of direct care service providers. Her research and speaking also examines how technology impacts faith, exploring how use of social media by the church impacts the message of the gospel and the role of church leaders.
Research interests
Kendall is currently engaged in studies related to direct care providers, such as Home Health Aides, attitudes toward eldercare in Poland and the US,, and recent Christian college graduates' attitudes toward church.
Teaching specialty
Kendall has been teaching public speaking classes for over 30 years. She also coaches speakers as they prepare for various professional speaking engagements.