Tracy Reimer

Job Title
Program Director, Professor
Ed.D. in K-12 Administration, Graduate School
Tracy served as an elementary principal for 10 years before joining the faculty. During her tenure, she led a successful turnaround initiative, transforming a school labeled "Needs Improvement" by the Minnesota Department of Education into a National Blue Ribbon School, recognized for high student achievement by the U.S. Department of Education. Tracy now focuses on the daily actions of school and district leaders that foster a culture of professional learning communities, hold high expectations, and ensure value-added instruction for every student.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel University - B.A. Elementary Education & Psychology, 1996
- St. Cloud State University - M.S. Curriculum & Instruction, 2000
- St. Cloud State University - Sixth Year Program - K-12 Principal License, Superintendent License, 2002
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy Education, 2010
Dr. Reimer is the Program Director in the Bethel University Doctor of Education, Leadership in K-12 Administration and licensing program. She formerly served as the Distict Curriculum Coordinator and Principal of Bendix Elementary School in Annandale, MN.
Courses Taught
EDUC802 Leadership Evolution
EDUC805 Principles of Organizational Leadership
EDUC835 Measurement & Assessment
EDUC881 Comprehensive Exam
EDUC883 Scholarly Advancement in K-12 Leadership
EDUC884 Applied Leadership
EDUC886 Principal Internship
EDUC887 Superintendent Internship
EDUC888 Teaching Internship
- Reimer, T. & Bartosh, A. (2024, December). Better understanding race/ethnicity and the student mental health crisis: Disproportionate long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tiltai, 93 (2), 114-130.
- Reimer, T. & Bartosh, A. (2024, October 15). 3 actions to address the racial/ethnic mental health & well-being gap. District Administration.
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2024). Preparing post-pandemic, equity-focused leaders: Technology requires administrators to reimagine schools. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 19, 138-156. ISSN 2155-9635.
- Hill, J. & Reimer, T. (2023). Technology as a tool to address educational inequities: Practices implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic that have been sustained. Education and Information Technologies. 10.1007/s10639-023-12236-z
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2023, July 14). 3 education wins sustained by district technology directors post-pandemic. District Administration.
- Reimer, T., Vetrini, M. & Truby, J. (2023). Preparing school leaders: Lessons learned from navigating the pandemic. National Social Science Proceedings, National Technology and Social Science Conference (not yet posted).
- Hill, J. & Reimer, T. (2022, July 2). Fostering School-Home Partnerships: Transforming Learning as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. TechTrends. doi10.1007/s11528-022-00756-3
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2022). Crossing the Digital Divide and the Equity Expanse: Reaching and Teaching All Students During the Pandemic. Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research, 8(1). Retrieved from
- Reimer, T., Vetrini, M. & Truby, J. (2021, December 14). Leading through a pandemic: How to survive and thrive in school administration. eSchool Media.
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2021, September 8). COVID disruption requires more than providing a device. District Administration.
- Reimer, T. (2021). Systemic inequities: A poverty responsive school leadership framework to address the opportunity gap. Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings. 236-260.
- Reimer, T. (2020). Addressing the opportunity gap: The urgency of equity. National Social Science Proceedings, National Technology and Social Science Conference, 72, 89-93.
- Reimer, T. & Wang, M. (2020, September/October). Adapt or perish. NAESP Principal, 100(1) 48-49.
- Reimer, T. (2020, February 12). Echoes of a student voice: Education in an emerging country. MESPA Advocate blog.
- Hartung, K. & Reimer, T. (2019). Preparing equitable and culturally responsive school leaders. National Social Science Proceedings, Las Vegas Conference, 70 (1), 117- 130.
- Gerdes, B. & Reimer, T. (2018, June 6). Reforming dysfunctional teams. MESPA Advocate blog.
- Reimer, T. (2017). When to lead, when to learn. NAESP Principal, May/June, 54.
- Reimer, T. (2017). Four essentials of future ready leaders. MESPA Advocate blog, March.
- Reimer, T. (2014). Recognition, appreciation, and celebration. MESPA Advocate, December, 44(2).
- Reimer, T. (2014). From faltering to award winning. Principal, May/June, 42.
- Reimer, T. (2010). Professional learning communities: Transforming the culture of a school. MESPA Advocate, December, 9.
- Reimer, T. (2010). A Study on the Principal’s Role in the Development of Professional Learning Communities in Elementary Schools that “Beat the Odds” in Reading – University of Minnesota
- Reimer, T. (2008). Dimensions of leadership. MESPA Advocate, 11.
- Reimer, T. (2007). Sustainability; More than instructional leadership. MESPA Advocate, March, 5-11.
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2025). Illuminations from COVID 19: Enhancing School Support for Historically Underserved Students and Families. Hawaii International Conference on Education
- Daniels, J. & Reimer, T. (2024). Navigating the Current Higher Education Financial Landscape: Strategic and Innovative Program Management. CCCU Doctoral Education Conference
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2024). Reimagining Schools for All Students' Success: An Equitable Technology Infrastructure Model. National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) National Summit for Educational Equity
- Reimer, T., Grice, A. & McGuire, A. (2024). Culture Reset: Stronger Together!. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2023). An Equitable Technology Infrastructure Model: Sustained Technology Practices Implemented During COVID-19 That Address Educational Inequities. Bethel University Day of Scholarhip
- Reimer, T. (2023). Culture Reset: Better Than Ever & Stronger Together. Minndependent Leadership Conference, Centennial Public School District
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2023). Sustained Technology Practices Implemented During COVID-19 That Address Educational Inequities. International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference
- Reimer, T. (2023). Preparing School Leaders: Lessons Learned from Navigating the Pandemic. National Social Science Association (NSSA) National Technology and Social Science Conference
- Reimer, T. & Bartosh, A. (2022). Equity Informed Leadership: Understanding the Mental Health and Well-Being of BIPOC Students Post-COVID. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention
- Reimer. T. & Hill, J. (2022). Leading in a New Era: How COVID-19 Transformed the School-Home Partnership. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention
- Reimer, T. & Bartosh, A. (2022). The Mental Health Gap: The Need to Address Racial Inequities. National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Conference
- Hill, J. & Reimer, T. (2022). Applying Equity Literacy to Address the Digital Divide. Provost Summit, St. Cloud State University
- Daniels, J. & Reimer, T. (2022). Leading People Through Change. Incubate to Innovate; Christian School EdLeader Collaborative
- Reimer, T. & Bartosh, A. (2022). Differences in Students’ Self-Reported Mental Health: The Need to Address Racial Inequities. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. & Hill, J. (2021). Addressing Technology Inequities: Closing the Digital Divide. National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) National Summit for Educational Equity
- Reimer, T. (2021). A Poverty Responsive School Leadership Framework to Address the Opportunity Gap. Hawaii International Conference on Education
- Reimer, T. & Daniels (2021). Collaborative Course Redesign: The Art & Science of Online Programming in Higher Education. Hawaii International Conference on Education
- Reimer, T. (2020). Institutional Contextualization of Class-Based Inequities: A Poverty Responsive School Leadership Framework (white paper presentation). University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention
- Reimer, T. (2020). Addressing the Opportunity Gap: A Poverty Responsive School Leadership Framework. International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference
- Reimer, T. & Hartung, K. (2020). Preparing Equity Focused School Leaders: The Effectiveness of Online Administration Preparation Programs. International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Conference
- Reimer, T. (2020). Addressing the Opportunity Gap: The Urgency of Equity. National Social Science Association (NSSA) National Technology and Social Science Conference
- Reimer, T. & Mayer, J. (2020). The Urgency of Equity: Addressing the Opportunity Gap. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. (2019). The Urgency of Equity: Teaching Students in Poverty. Phi Delta Kappa, Educators Rising National Conference
- Reimer, T. & Hartung, K. (2019). Preparing Equitable & Culturally Responsive Leaders. National Social Science Association (NSSA) National Technology and Social Science Conference
- Reimer, T. (2019). The Urgency of Equity. Metro ECSU Winning Strategies Conference for Paraprofessionals and Future Teachers
- Wang, M., Cameron, A., Schmitz, M., & Reimer, T. (2019). Rethinking Professional Development. Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) Leadership Conference
- Reimer, T. (2018). Preparing Equitable School Leaders: Focus on Adaptive Leadership. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention
- Hartung, K. & Reimer, T. (2018). Preparing and Supporting Administrators for Culturally Responsive Leadership (white paper presentation). University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention
- Reimer, T. & Wang, M. (2018). Creating and Sustaining Innovative Leaders. Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) Minnesota Administrators for Special Education (MASE) Spring Conference
- Reimer, T. (2018). Everyone Has a Story. Metro ECSU Winning Strategies Conference for Paraprofessionals and Future Teachers
- Reimer, T. (2017). What You Bring to a Winning Team. Bloomington School District
- Reimer, T. & Gerdes, B. (2017). Transforming Culture as a Collaborative & Relational Leader. Minnesota Administrators for Special Education (MASE) Fall Conference
- Daniels, J., Paulson, C., & Reimer, T. (2017). Professional Practice: Collaborative & Relational Leadership. Spring Leadership in Higher Education Conference, St. Cloud State University
- Reimer, T. & Robinson, J. (2017). What You Bring to a Winning Team. METRO ECSU Winning Strategies Conference for Paraprofessionals and Future Teachers
- Reimer, T. & Mayer, J. (2017). Building Leadership Capacity (unconference session). Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. & Wang, M. (2016). Principal as Lead Learner: It Begins with Self-Awareness. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. & Wang, M. (2015). The Changing Role of the Principal: Authentic Coach & Lead Learner. National Association of Elementary School Principals, St. Cloud State University
- Reimer, T. & Fee, M. (2014). K-12 Reading Interventions. Howard Lake-Waverly School District
- Reimer, T. & Wang, M. (2014). PBIS Simplified. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA) Institute
- Reimer, T. (2011, 2006, 2005). Balance Literacy Framework. Glencoe-Silver Lake School District, Howard Lake -Waverly School District
- Reimer, T. & Fee, M. (2011). Authentic RtI: Embedded Implementation. Minnesota Elementary School Principal Association (MESPA)
- Reimer, T. (2011, 2008). Data Driven Decision Making. St. Cloud State University, St. Mary’s University
Certificates and Licenses
Minnesota Grades 1-6 Teaching License
Minnesota K-12 Principal License
Minnesota Superintendent License
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Principal Mentor Certification
InterGroup Dialogue Certification
Racial Equity Facilitator Training Certification
CliftonStrengths Global Coach Certification
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Minnesota Board of School Administrators (BOSA) Collaborative for Educational Administration
TeachBeyond, Associate Missionary Member
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
Minnesota Elementary School Principals Association (MESPA)
National Social Science Association (NSSA)
Research interests
Tracy's research interests focus on effective school leadership practices specifically for marginalized and underrepresented populations. Topics include equity literacy, structural ideology, education gaps, and culturally responsive leadership.