Kenneth Steinbach

Job Title
University Professor of Art
Art & Design, College of Arts and Sciences
Steinbach teaches courses in 3 Dimensional Visual thinking, Sculpture, Senior Seminar, and Creative Practices, and frequently involves students in the research and execution of his own artwork. His book "Creative Practices for Visual Artists: Time, Space Process" on how to support and enrich long term creative viability for visual artists will be published in April 2018.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel College - B.A. in Studio Art, 1983
- Cranbrook Academy of Art - M.F.A. in Sculpture, 1986
Selected Recent Awards and Grants
Edgren Scholars grant, with Emily Swanberg. Bethel University. 2015
Artists Initiative grant. Minnesota State Arts Board. 2015
Greenville College Schoenhals Visiting Artist 2015
Arlin G. Meyer Prize in Visual Art from the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts, 2014
Bethel University, Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching, 2012
Artists Initiative Grant. Minnesota State Arts Board. 2009 and 2005.
Selected Recent Exhibits
2017 Artist in Residence. Trykkeriet Printmaking Center, Bergen, Norway.
Vox Populi. Trykkeriet Printmaking Center, Bergen Norway. Solo Exhibit.
Making Now. Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA
2016 UnNamed Forms of Space and Matter. Installation at 506 View Street, St. Paul, MN. Site-specific installation.
Overview. 212 Gallery. Madison, WI. With David J. P. Hooker.
The Faculty Show. Bethel University, St. Paul, MN.
2015 Transmissions. Blue Star Museum, San Antonio, TX.
Fiat/Fiat. Tuckunder Gallery, Minneapolis, MN. Solo Exhibit.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the International Monetary System. Form + Content Gallery, Minneapolis, MN. Solo Exhibit.
Under the Rose. Greenville College Maves Art Gallery Schoenhals Guest Artist exhibit. Solo exhibit.
2014 Mappa Mundi. Silverwood Park Gallery, St. Anthony MN. Solo exhibit.
Americana. Soap Factory group exhibit, juried by Ben Hayworth.
Walker on the Green. Walker Art Center mini golf. With Dave Denninger. Minneapolis, MN.
The Here There. Some Sum Studios/Lyon Smith Gallery. Winona MN. Curated by Kjelgren Alkire.
Ossuary. Traveling exhibit. Heron School of Art and Design. Indiana University Purdue. Indianapolis, IN.
F+C@SEVEN. Form + Content Gallery, Minneapolis. MN.
Summer Salon. Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
2013 Small works. Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
The Machine in the Ghost and other works. Barrington Art Gallery, Gordon College. Wenham, MA. Solo exhibit.
Curator for Orders of Possibility group exhibit. With Paula McCartney, Lex Thompson, and Sonja Thomsen. Form + Content Gallery.
Kenneth Steinbach. Circa Gallery. Minneapolis, MN. Solo exhibit.
Trace/Decay. Bethel University. Minneapolis, MN. Solo exhibit
All the Things That Go. Staple Goods Gallery. New Orleans, LA.
Ossuary. Traveling exhibit. University of Tennessee at Knoxville. TN.
These Guys: A Tribute To Guy Chase. Greenville College. Greenville, IL.
Exteriors. Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
Text. Prove Gallery. Duluth, MN.
2012 Theories of Forgetting. St. John's University. Collegeville, MN. Solo exhibit.
Still There. Gallery at Fox Tax, Minneapolis, MN. Solo exhibit.
Walking: The New Forests of Thoreau's America. Portals on Western program. College of Visual Arts. St. Paul, MN. Solo Exhibit.
Connections, Form + Content Gallery. Minneapolis, MN.
Work: Curse or Calling? Gordon College, Boston, MA; Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI; Houghton College, Houghton, NY; Wayland University, Plainview, TX.
Landscapes of the Mind. Katherine Nash Gallery. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
Monster Drawing Rally. Midway Contemporary Art. Minneapolis, MN.
Trace/Decay. Bethel University, Minneapolis, MN. Solo exhibit. 2013.
Areas of expertise
Steinbach teaches courses in 3 Dimensional Visual thinking, Sculpture, Senior Seminar, and Creative Practices, and frequently involves students in the research and execution of his own artwork. He is currently working on a research project investigating the activities that support and enrich long-term creative viability for visual artists.