Health Services
CAPS/GS/SEM Immunization Records
Minnesota law (M.S. 135A.14) requires some students attending college, graduate school, or seminary to show proof of immunization. The law makes others exempt from this requirement.
Students who must provide proof of immunization
- Any student who attends face-to-face classes during weekday daytime hours if not otherwise exempted by the statute because of their age or year of graduation from a Minnesota high school
- Students in particular fields of study (usually in the medical professions)*
- Students who come to campus for residencies or intensives that are longer than seven consecutive days if not otherwise exempted by the statute because of their age or year of graduation from a Minnesota high school
- “Dual Enrollment” students in CAPS, Seminary, or GS who take CAS classes or Seminary daytime classes if not otherwise exempted by the statute because of their age or year of graduation from a Minnesota high school
Students in this category must provide dates for:
- Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td): Must be within past 10 years
- Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): (2 dates) Must be given after your first birthday
Students who are eligible for a waiver and do not need to provide proof of immunization
- Any student born before 1957
- Any student who graduated from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later.
- All CAPS students enrolled only in CAPS classes unless required by their program to be immunized*
- GS and Seminary students who:
- Attend only evening or weekend classes
- Study only in online classes who are not otherwise required to provide proof of immunization because of their field of study*
- Have intensives or residencies that are seven or fewer consecutive days
*Programs that require proof of immunization currently include all students enrolled in nursing programs, MS in Physician Assistant, and MS in Athletic Training. Due to unique needs related to participation in clinical experiences, immunization reporting requirements are defined and tracked by the healthcare program.
To fulfill your proof of immunization requirement:
- Provide your proof of immunization or complete your waiver online through the Immunization Form in Banner, or
- Complete the Conscientious or Medical Exemption Form (pdf) if your personal beliefs or health considerations precluded you from being immunized and you are not eligible for the waiver. Return this form to Health Services. Please note, online submittal is not available as a notary or physician signature is required.
- On campus: Townhouse H, First Floor
- By postal mail:
Bethel University,
c/0: Health Services
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN, 55112
Due dates
The immunization process must be completed no later than 14 days after the start of your first term of registration. After this date, a registration hold will be placed on your student record. Future registration will not be available until the immunization requirement is fulfilled.
Further recommended immunizations
- Meningitis (highly recommended for all college students; booster recommended if initial vaccine was given before age 16)
- Hepatitis B (3-dose series)
- Varicella (Chicken pox)
- Polio
- Influenza (yearly)
- The American College Health Association and Bethel University also strongly encourages tuberculosis (mantoux) testing for students from areas where tuberculosis is endemic.