Office of Career Services Changes Name
April 11, 2012 | 12:58 p.m.
By the Office of Communications and Marketing
The Office of Career Services will change its name to the Office of Career Development and Calling beginning June 1. The name change comes after an 18-month process to assess the strengths of the current career services program and the strategies the office can implement to broaden the scope and depth of its services.
The Office of Career Development and Calling will continue the holistic and developmental approach that has characterized Career Services at Bethel. In addition to identifying a career of interest and pathways to pursue it, the Office of Career Development and Calling will strive to prepare students to find meaning in their work through a greater understanding of who they are and what God has called them to be in a particular moment or place. To do this, educators will focus on three areas – identity development, influential relationships, and impacting experiences – to prepare students to develop and affirm a sense of purpose, to help them understand the skills they have and to build on them, and to be prepared to enter job search processes.
A national search to fill the position of director of career development and calling is underway, with the intent of having a new director in place this summer.