Ron Paul Visiting Bethel
February 1, 2012 | 1:23 p.m.

Congressman Ron Paul.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas will speak at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 4, in Benson Great Hall. The event, sponsored by Bethel’s College Republicans, is free and open to the public, with doors opening at 5 p.m. Andrew Baker, president of the College Republicans, said that the group contacted all GOP presidential candidates in November to request a visit, and Ron Paul’s campaign was the only one to accept the invitation. “Having one of the four remaining GOP candidates speak on campus will provide the Bethel community with a great opportunity to hear relevant political discourse,” says Baker. “His speech should inform Bethel students on important current issues that our country is facing. Students can then form their own stances, deciding whether or not they agree with his viewpoints.”
The Bethel College Republicans have 313 members. The group’s goal is to provide Bethel students with the opportunity to hear great conservative speakers and volunteer for Republican causes and events.