Facilities Management Celebrates New Office

Facilities Management Celebrates New Office

Employees gathered at the Facilities Management open house.

The Offices of Facilities Management and Security and Safety celebrated their recent move with an open house on July 18. The new office suite is located next to the post office, in the space previously occupied by the campus store. The area includes employee spaces, workrooms, and a meeting room that can double as a crisis management space. The security and safety area has ample room for customer service, cameras and recording devices, and a consolidated fire panel.

The open house featured tours of the new offices and remarks by Tom Trainor, vice president, facilities and planning. Trainor recognized the legacy of Bethel’s three previous facilities managers: Jim Woods, Craig Hjelle, and Brian Humphries, two of whom were in attendance or were represented by family members.

The space vacated by the offices will be refitted as much-needed classroom space.