Bethel Drive Summer Road Construction Rescheduled

The Office of Facilities Management has announced that road construction on Bethel Drive planned for this summer has been rescheduled for summer 2013. The work included reconstruction of Bethel Drive between the three-way stop signs by Heritage Hall to the “T” intersection located between the East Parking Lot and East Gate.

Due to significant road construction in the Metro area as well as the timing, size, and complexity of the Bethel project, the university was not able to find a contractor to match the bid requirements. The revised plan is to re-bid the project in fall 2012 with an early contract commitment for summer 2013. This summer, the Office of Facilities Management plans to complete some minor road projects that support the 2013 road reconstruction plans. 

With the change in roadwork projects, the East Gate will close at 11 p.m. during the summer rather than staying open 24/7.  Please contact Facilities Management at extension 6200 with any questions.