Homecoming 2012: Reconnect and Revitalize
October 10, 2012 | 11:55 a.m.
By Suzanne McInroy, Director of Communications
A dramatic finish to the football game on Saturday added to the excitement of Bethel University’s Homecoming 2012. Thousands of students, alumni, employees, and friends of Bethel braved the cold weather this year to watch the game and participate in numerous homecoming activities around the theme “Revitalize.”
Alumni homecoming events began on October 5 when the Alumnus of the Year award was presented during chapel to Paul Healy ’77. Other events included the 5-K Run/Walk, alumni prayer breakfast, campus tours, an integrative wellness lecture, and reunion parties and dinners. The homecoming football game on October 6 ended with a successful two-point conversion to give the Royals a 15-14 win over the Concordia College Cobbers.
Student homecoming celebrations began on October 1 with the Homecoming Cup competition. Throughout the week students participated by residence hall in cheer and banner competitions, tug of war, dodge ball, a powderpuff football game, and a men’s dance competition. Heritage Hall was the winner of this year’s Homecoming Royal Cup, which was announced during the homecoming banquet and dance on October 5.