Bethel Alum Writes National Bestseller
January 8, 2013 | 7:30 a.m.
By Nicole Finsaas '14

David Horsager '95, GS'05: Speaker, author, and entrepreneur
The Trust Edge by David Horsager ’95, GS’05 was published recently by Simon & Schuster and began flying off the shelves after its October release. The book, which emphasizes the importance of trust in the corporate world, became the #2 Wall Street Journal bestseller and a Publishers Weeklynational bestseller. Horsager outlines the eight pillars of trust, which he has proven will bring quantifiable results to businesses. But company profit isn’t his only concern; Horsager believes the book contains Christian values. “Interestingly, it’s still biblical truth, but very few people know it right off. It is all in the corporate world, but I consider it a ministry,” he says.
Horsager began researching trust and its effects while completing his master’s degree in organizational leadership at Bethel. “Out of that research came the start of the research of what it actually takes to build trust. And though some of it might seem simple, very few leaders are doing all eight of what we call pillars,” he says. Included in the eight pillars are compassion and character, urging people to have integrity in business. “It is apparent to me that Dave believes wholeheartedly that his message of trust and the impact it has on an organization’s ability to succeed will make a difference in this world,” says Heidi Sheard, the book’s editor.
Beyond sparking the original idea for the book, Horsager’s Bethel connection had a tremendous impact on The Trust Edge. Both Sheard ’95, and Heidi Koopman GS’99, the book’s designer, are Bethel alums. Three Bethel professors reviewed the book before it was published, and the Horsager Leadership Advisory Board is comprised of four college roommates from Bethel. “I just can’t thank Bethel enough for their support and encouragement… [God] used so many people to make this what it is now. It’s amazing to see what’s happened,” says Horsager.