No Change to Bethel Seminary Tuition Rates
March 28, 2014 | 10:26 a.m.
By Suzanne McInroy, Director of Communications
Tuition rates for students at Bethel Seminary for the 2014-15 academic year will remain the same as the 2013-14 rates. Master’s level programs will be $565 per semester credit hour next year for Bethel Seminary St. Paul and San Diego (including InMinistry). The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree will remain at $355 per credit hour for self-directed programs and $550 per credit hour for cohort programs. For a complete list of program tuition rates, visit the financial aid website.
Tuition rates for Bethel’s College of Arts & Sciences were announced at the end of February. Tuition rates for Bethel's College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School will be announced next week.