Homecoming 2014: We are Bethel.

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Homecoming 2014

Thousands of students, alumni, employees, and friends participated in a week of events during homecoming activities this year around the theme “We are Bethel.”

For undergrad students, Homecoming festivities began September 29 when each residence hall, plus a group of off-campus students, began the competition for the “Royal Cup.” The four days of events included performing a “cheer,” competing in tug-o-war and dodgeball, designing a dorm banner, and choreographing a men’s dance routine. The powderpuff women’s football game was rain delayed into the next week, but the Friday night banquet and dance were held as scheduled, when this year’s “Royal Cup” winner was announced. North Woods residence hall came in first place this year with Arden Village and Heritage residence halls coming in second and third.

Alumni homecoming events began on October 3 when the Alumnus of the Year award was presented during chapel to David Asprey ’84. Other events included a free family movie night on Friday and Saturday evening’s Royal Celebration, which featured the musical and dramatic creativity of Joy Peterson Donley ’89 and a cast of Bethel alums in a parody of “Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!” National Public Radio’s weekly news quiz show. Class reunion parties followed for the classes of ’64, ’74, ’84, ’94, ’04, and ’09.

Bethel Seminary also held alumni events this year, including a breakfast for the Class of ’64 and an Alumni Gathering, which included a presentation of the Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year award to Chaplain John Morris S '86.