Summer Construction Gets Campus Ready for Students

Summer Construction Gets Campus Ready for Students

Construction on the Wellness Center continued through the summer. The new building is expected to open sometime this fall.

While students have been away this summer, Bethel’s campus has undergone a number of significant improvements. Perhaps most noticeably, the three-story Wellness Center is nearing completion in the middle of campus. It will feature an expanded weight room and cardio facilities, a dedicated biokinetics lab, and teaching spaces set to open in October.

“It's been very exciting to see the progress on the Wellness Center over the summer and to see improvements to a number of additional spaces on campus and at the Anderson Center,” says Executive Vice President and Provost Deb Harless. “Many of these summer projects—and the four new classrooms that were completed last fall—will directly improve our students' academic, athletic, and housing experiences.”

RC Gym: The Robertson Center (RC) Gym has been updated with an improved sprinkler system and an open ceiling concept. LED light fixtures have made the space more energy-efficient and brighter.

Ona Orth: A new Soccer Team Building has been built at the Ona Orth Athletics Complex, across from the main campus entrance. The donor-funded space includes changing rooms for men’s and women’s soccer teams, management and sports information areas, and filming space for games.

Athletic Locker Rooms: RC level 2 has been outfitted with brand new “marquis” football and men’s basketball locker rooms, showers, and team spaces; updated women’s sports locker rooms and shower facilities; and a reception area for athletics. Day-use locker rooms allow non-athletes, staff, faculty, and visiting teams to enjoy the Wellness Center and athletics spaces.

CC313: The Clauson Center (CC) 313 lecture hall has been updated with larger, more ergonomic seats; new carpet; an updated projection system; and high-efficiency LED lighting.

CCC: Just down the hall from CC313, the Cultural Connection Center (CCC) opens this fall, featuring multi-cultural connection space designed to foster open and honest conversation about diversity.

Anderson Center: College of Adult & Professional Studies (CAPS), Graduate School (GS), and University Advancement staff offices moved from the Bethel Office Center (BOC) to the Anderson Center at 2 Pine Tree Drive. Artwork has been added to the portions of the building now operated by Bethel, including selections from the Poundstone collection.

“The Anderson Center build-out will provide much needed space for faculty and staff who serve our post-traditional students,” says Harless. “I am grateful for the generous hearts of donors who made much of this work possible, and for the outstanding work of our facilities management staff again this summer.”

Arden Village East and West: The townhouse residence areas underwent phase one of updates, which will continue over the next few years. This summer, the townhouses along Bethel Drive in Arden Village East received improved insulation and moisture barriers, as well as higher-efficiency composite siding in modern colors.

Many of these campus spaces are open to the public, with “open house” events planned this fall. Visit for upcoming campus events.