Meet the Class of 2021

Meet the Class of 2021

A Royal helps her new classmate move in during Welcome Week 2017.

On August 24, a group of cheering, dancing Royals greeted the class of 2021—helping a large portion of the new student body move into their dorm rooms. This favorite Welcome Week tradition gives incoming students a high-energy glimpse of life at Bethel and helps returning students get to know a new group of peers.

This year, Bethel welcomed its most diverse incoming class yet: 20.1% of the 542 freshmen are students of color. Fifteen students are part of the Inclusive Learning and Development (BUILD) program, and an additional 10 are Act Six scholars. Aside from new faces, Bethel’s now-2,501-person undergraduate student body will notice other additions to the College of Arts & Sciences for the 2017–18 school year. In addition to significant campus improvements and new faculty members, five new degrees have launched in mathematics and data science, electrical engineeringneuroscience, sociology, and community health.

Do you have other fun facts or stories about this incoming class? Story ideas—during Welcome Week and every other week of the year—can be sent to