Bethel Students Travel for Spring Break
March 14, 2017 | Noon
By Suzanne McInroy, director of communications

Bethel’s softball team competes in a game in Florida during Spring Break 2015. (Photo credit: Nathan Klok ’17)
There may be a lull in classes, but about 300 Royals are hitting the road over Spring Break with music ensembles, athletic and mission teams, and Sankofa.
About 100 student musicians are traveling on spring music performance tours in the United States. Members of the Bethel Wind Symphony are traveling in Iowa, Colorado, South Dakota, and Minnesota while the Bethel Choir is scheduled to perform in California. Both groups are performing in concerts, worship services, and school assemblies during their week-long trips.
Four athletic teams have headed to Florida for Spring Break: softball, baseball, men’s tennis, and women’s tennis. Bethel’s softball team will play 10 games over five days in Orlando, Florida. The baseball team will play 11 games in Fort Myers, Florida, including one against the Minnesota Twins rookie team on March 13. The Bethel men’s tennis team will play eight matches and Bethel’s women’s tennis team will play six matches, all in Orlando, Florida, over five days.
Bethel’s men’s golf is in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, for the week and will play the Coastal Carolina club team. Bethel’s women’s golf team is in Arizona and will play Flagler College from St. Augustine, Florida. Read daily updates about Bethel athletics during Spring Break.
More than 100 students are participating in nine Spring Break mission trips through the Office of Campus Ministries.
Here is a list of locations and local churches and agencies the teams are partnered with:
- Appalachia (Mustard Seeds & Mountains in southern West Virginia)
- Belize—Corozol Villages (Praying Pelican Missions)
- Belize—Orange Walk Town (Praying Pelican Missions)
- Costa Rica (Students International)
- Dominican Republic (Praying Pelican Missions)
- East Asia (Cru)
- Honduras (Agua Viva)
- Jamaica (Praying Pelican Missions)
- New Orleans (Urban Impact Ministries and Christian Community Development Association)
An additional group is traveling by bus for Bethel’s longstanding Sankofa trip, exploring the sites of major Civil Rights-related events in the American South. “Sankofa” is a word used by the Akan people of Ghana, West Africa, meaning “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot.” Annual Sankofa trips are designed to allow members of the Bethel community to experience significant sites from America’s history for the purpose of discussing and processing their meaning and implications today.
For more information on these trips, visit the campus ministries website.