Bethel Physics Students Receive National Recognition
By Aiyanna Klaphake ’20
January 25, 2019 | 5 p.m.

Bethel’s Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter at a pumpkin carving Halloween party. (Photo Credit: Provided by Aaron Coe and Alyssa Hamre)
Bethel’s Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter was the only chapter in Minnesota to be named an “Outstanding Society” for the academic year. Across the nation, just 77 of 813 SPS chapters received the title from the National SPS Office.
SPS is a division of Sigma Pi Sigma, the National Physics Honor Society, and is intended to connect like-minded students and encourage scientific engagement within local communities. Since 1994, Bethel’s chapter has organized physics-themed holiday parties, ice cream socials, and movie nights for students majoring or interested in physics. “At Bethel, SPS is a group which fosters community through networking, outreach events, and physics-related social events,” says Instructor of Physics Alyssa Hamre, the chapter’s faculty advisor.
“These events provide an opportunity for new physics and engineering students to meet other students in the department,” adds chapter president Aaron Coe ’19. “This is especially useful for freshmen and sophomores who can ask upperclassmen for advice on classes, internships and summer research opportunities for undergrads, and graduate school… We are continually looking to improve and provide more opportunities for Bethel students and the community.”
Outstanding chapters were selected based on interactions with their campus, the physics community, and other SPS programs, as presented in chapter reports. Meaningful efforts to promote awareness and understanding of science were also reviewed by SPS National Council members.