Bethel Journalism Professor Wins Pioneer Award
By Aiyanna Klaphake '20
November 14, 2019 | 2 p.m.

Associate Professor of Journalism Scott Winter wins the National Scholastic Press Association Pioneer Award.
Associate Professor of Journalism Scott Winter is one of seven national recipients of the 2019 Pioneer Award, the highest honor presented by the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) to journalism educators. The award recognizes contributions to scholastic journalism outside one's chief employment. Awardees are nominated by previous Pioneer recipients and will be recognized at the Journalism Education Association and NSPA Advisers Awards Luncheon in late November.
Since obtaining his first position as a journalism teacher in 1992, Winter has regularly attended and spoken at state and national high school journalism conferences, even while teaching at Bethel. "The power of scholastic media in high schools is important for [journalism], but also to give students a public forum," Winter says, explaining why he's not forgotten scholastic journalists.
"I love the wide-eyed, let's-make-a-difference attitude of high school journalists," Winter adds. "They want to change the world, and they see journalism as a way to do that." Winter views his role as equipping students with what he calls a "journalism toolbox," providing them with the skills to enter the world as capable and responsible reporters.
Study Journalism at Bethel.
Bethel’s Department of English and Journalism prepares students to share rich and meaningful stories, express their voice, and navigate the world as a Christian reader, writer, or educator. Discover relevant, real-world experience and teaching that connects students to internships, workshops, mentorships, and study abroad opportunities.