Meet Bethel’s New Nurse Practitioner

Elizabeth Ewest ’07 returns to Bethel to work as Health Services’ nurse practitioner, combining her passions for helping others and being involved in community.

By Anna Bernin '18, Contributing Writer

December 02, 2020 | 9:30 a.m.

Elizabeth Ewest

Elizabeth Ewest, Bethel’s Health Services’ Nurse Practitioner

Elizabeth Ewest ’07 first came to Bethel to earn her undergraduate degree in nursing. She graduated, spent years working in several diverse healthcare environments, and this fall she returned to campus as the community’s nurse practitioner. Ewest’s return to Bethel means that students are once again able to visit a nurse practitioner on campus—and because Health Services no longer bills insurance, an appointment with her is at no charge to students.

Ewest’s childhood helped to shape her worldview and her passion for helping others. She grew up in the Philippines with her parents who worked as Wycliffe Bible translators. From 5 to 8 years old, she stayed on and off in a bamboo house and hauled water for her family. She attended a variety of schools, including boarding school in the Philippines from 4th-12th grade, home school, and public school in the United States for 3rd and 9th grade. “I have an appreciation for differences in cultures around the world, while recognizing we are all still similar in many ways,” Ewest says. She moved back to Minnesota in 2003 to attend Bethel.

Ewest has long-known that she wanted to go into healthcare. Her love for her ninth-grade biology class helped her realize she wanted to combine science with her desire to help people. She chose Bethel because the smaller, faith-based learning environment seemed like a good fit for her, and the nursing program’s strong reputation was appealing. While reflecting on her Bethel experience, Ewest ’07 says, “Bethel gave me a strong clinical foundation, along with teaching me how to treat people with respect and compassion because we are all made in the image of God.”

While delivering medical care to families around the world, I felt a shared sense of hoping our kids get well soon when they are sick, needing to feel free from the fear of violence, and knowing the importance of secure food and housing for wellbeing.

— Elizabeth Ewest '07

After graduating from Bethel, Ewest worked as a staff RN in the float pool at United Hospital. During that time, she did a three-month short-term mission as a nurse in Melilla, a Spanish city on the coast of Morocco. Later, she completed her master’s degree to become a family nurse practitioner. She then worked for several years at Community University Health Care Center, a community clinic in Minneapolis that serves a diverse patient population.

When reflecting on her time there, she realized that even though we all come from different backgrounds, there are a number of traits we have in common. “While delivering medical care to families around the world, I felt a shared sense of hoping our kids get well soon when they are sick, needing to feel free from the fear of violence, and knowing the importance of secure food and housing for wellbeing.” Ewest says. Healthcare provides a way for her to extend compassion and mercy toward each person without judgment.

Ewest chose to return to Bethel for the work environment and is excited to be serving college students. “College students are unique because they are starting to take charge of their own health,” she says. “I am excited to be a part of that journey.” She is also looking forward to being back in community with people who love one another well and pray for each other.
Ewest has found that healthcare requires a lot of time and energy, especially in this season. But she recharges by connecting with others around their common purposes, and knowing she belongs in community keeps her going.

Health Services at Bethel

Want to schedule an appointment with Elizabeth? The nurse practitioner is available Monday through Thursday. Bethel’s Health Services work to provide Bethel students with the care and health information they need to get well and stay healthy.

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