Empowering local Asian American churches
By Heather Schnese S’12, content specialist
April 10, 2024 | 10 a.m.

Bethel Seminary Old Testament Professor Kaz Hayashi organized a seminar to encourage local Asian pastors and ministry leaders.
“Often in Asian cultures, ethnicities and nationalities have tensions with other surrounding Asian cultures,” Hayashi says. “Despite the historical political rivalry between Asian groups, my desire is that we can experience spiritual reconciliation in Jesus.” The seminar drew more than 30 church leaders representing 14 ethnicities in the first two meetings—one in January and one in March. “I want those who come to experience the unity and love we have in Jesus,” Hayashi says.

The “Empowering Asian American Churches” seminar has drawn more than 30 church leaders representing 14 ethnicities.

Ministry leaders from across the Twin Cities meet and learn from each other at gatherings in January, March, and upcoming in May.
— Ohm Rungkittikhun, S’23
With Asians being the largest ethnic group in the world, and also the fastest-growing race in the United States, Hayashi believes we should be more intentional about serving Asian churches. It’s why these gatherings are important, and he hopes this seminar acts as a “support group.” “Ministry is often lonely. You feel like you’re on an island,” he says. “I hope pastors can discuss challenges and learn from how other churches are dealing with specific issues.”

Bethel Seminary Professor of New Testament Jeannine Brown joined in the opportunity to connect and build community with students and church leaders.

Bethel Seminary Dean Peter Vogt helped lead discussions, which focused on equipping leaders to contextualize the biblical message for Asian audiences.
The third meeting of “Empowering Asian American Churches” is scheduled for May 9, 2024, with a focus on Old Testament biblical theology of racial reconciliation.
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