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John Hodges

Student Success Advisor

Advisor welcome video


  • B.A. Biblical Studies, George Fox University
  • M.Div. Yale Divinity School

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My favorite things about Bethel University

The warmth and hospitality. Bethel community members are encouraging, kind, and dedicated to students’ well-being. More broadly, I appreciate being a part of an institution that seeks to cultivate faith and academic learning as mutually-informative commitments, and that aims to serve the surrounding community.

My favorite things about the Twin Cities and life

I like how the Twin Cities blend a thriving arts culture with midwestern friendliness! As a non-native, it’s exciting to live in a city(ies) where people feel a pride in place and are dedicated to making the community better. My wife and I love exploring new neighborhoods, camping in the north woods, and walking the Mississippi river trails in town—whenever we’re not enjoying nachos and a movie at home.

My favorite thing about being a Student Success Advisor

Getting to partner with a wonderful team to support students in meaningful work, for the sake of our communities. I think that academic learning is often a transformative endeavor: beyond acquiring new skills, it requires us to approach the world, our beliefs, and one another with curiosity and humility. This requires hard work and a willingness to be changed. As we do so, we can grow in wisdom and imagination that we can offer to our own communities. In my role, I’m honored to assist students who are dedicating time and resources to this endeavor.

Before working at Bethel

In the recent past I completed a master’s program, and worked in a variety of settings: community music education, landscaping and construction, research writing, and church ministry.