Visual Cognition Lab

Sherryse Corrow
Associate Professor of Psychology
Dr. Corrow received her Ph.D. in Child Psychology with an emphasis in Visual Neuroscience from the University of Minnesota in 2013. She then completed an NIH post-doctoral fellowship with the University of British Columbia with Jason Barton from 2013–2017. Dr. Corrow is now an associate professor at Bethel University, conducting her own research on high-level visual function. Dr. Corrow teaches in the psychology department and for the neuroscience major.
Dr. Corrow's interest in prosopagnosia began with research with children at the University of Minnesota. Since then, she has published studies on both acquired and developmental prosopagnosia, with both children and adult participants from all over the world. She is interested in characterizing prosopagnosia, understanding the neural mechanisms behind it, and the potential for rehabilitation through training. Dr. Corrow is dedicated to her research and passionate about understanding both prosopagnosia and face recognition more generally.

Alexa Hanowski
Alexa Hanowski joined Dr. Corrow’s lab in spring 2019. She is a neuroscience major with a biology minor and is on track to graduate in spring 2020. Alexa enjoys playing sports and is on the softball team at Bethel. Alexa is a co-leader for the Neuroscience Club. She plans on attending a physician’s assistant program after taking a gap year once she graduates. During this gap year, she hopes to build more experience in the medical field as a medical scribe and do some traveling as well.

Keaton Shinn
Keaton is a junior neuroscience major on track to graduate in May of 2020. He eagerly joined the Bethel University Visual Cognition Lab in the Fall of 2018 and plans to continue as a research assistant with this lab until he either graduates or is forced out. Keaton has convinced himself that he enjoys running, so much so that he has spent the last 7 years dedicated to the sports of cross country and track & field. Post-graduation, Keaton plans to attend graduate school with intentions to enter academia, hopefully returning to Bethel University.

Abigail Goetzman
Abigail is a neuroscience and music double major at Bethel University and plans to graduate in May 2021. She joined the Visual Cognition Lab in the spring of 2019 as a research assistant. After graduation, she plans on attending a graduate school. Aside from studying neuroscience, Abigail enjoys performing and teaching piano, exploring the outdoors, and traveling with friends and family.

Elizabeth Dao
Elizabeth is a neuroscience student with a triple minor in computer science, philosophy, and biology at Bethel. She joined the Visual Cognition Lab as a research assistant in the summer of 2019. After her undergraduate schooling, she hopes to attend either graduate or medical school. Outside of the lab, Elizabeth is a leader of the Neuroscience Club and participates in other academic clubs including Sigma-Zeta honor society, Tri-Beta biological honor society, and the forensics team. During her free time, she enjoys traveling, playing the piano, and playing tennis.