In our healthcare management concentration, you’ll prepare for administrative roles at hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare settings. As you expand your leadership skills, you’ll develop the operational, financial, and technical skills that provide a foundation for effective management in healthcare systems. You’ll be prepared to work as a clinical director, records manager, practice administrator, risk manager, and in many other positions.

To earn an undergraduate degree from Bethel, you will need a total of 122 credits. The listed number of required credits is based on a minimum of 60 transfer credits from previous professional, military, or educational experiences.

If you are applying with fewer credits, your enrollment counselor can help explore options for obtaining additional credits.


Fully Online

You'll complete 100% of your coursework online.

Location: Online

Start Dates: Courses start every 6 weeks. Contact your enrollment counselor for details.

Total credits

56 credits

Finish in as few as

16-24 months

Academic plans and course catalog

See plans


  • Financial Accounting (ACCT200)

    Explanation of accounting concepts used by sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Preparation of financial statements. Calculation and interpretation of key financial ratios. Application of basic concepts of cost accounting. Discussion and evaluation of both biblical and ethical principles and their relationship to financial accounting and the profit goals of business.

    4 credits

  • Foundations of Business Management (BUSN301)

    Analysis of key managerial functions in a business environment. Identification of global, political, legal, sociocultural and demographic environments. Explanation of how mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics result in purposeful management. Application of theories of organizational behavior to management and leadership in a business environment. Application of management decision-making models and managerial communication skills in a business environment. Explanation of concepts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in business that promote a positive workplace culture.

    4 credits

  • Human Resource Management (BUSN302)

    Exploration of the dynamic nature of human resource management from a Christian perspective. Application of talent acquisition and employee relation strategies. Analysis of strategies and responsibilities of human resource management and how organizations ensure compensation and benefits to produce results. Assessment of training and development practices. Identification of legal compliance and risk management. Preparation for the Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification exam.

    2 credits

  • Marketing Fundamentals (BUSN323)

    Identification of the key elements of marketing including social media tools that influence marketing strategy. Application of the processes for analyzing, segmenting, pricing, branding and targeting customers in both consumer and business markets. Explanation of product development, the product life cycle, new products and line extensions. Description of promotional tactics and their influences on the marketing mix. Discussion of ethics and social responsibility in marketing from a Christian or personal perspective.

    4 credits

  • Business Law (BUSN335)

    Explanation of legal rules applying to personal, real, and intellectual property. Analysis of the relationships between contract law, law of sales, and consumer law. Exploration of sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies operating within the socio-economic arena of the marketplace. Evaluation of ethical problems in the legal and regulatory environment using a Christian or personal worldview. Evaluation of how advances in technology impact intellectual property, contract law, criminal law, and tort law.

    4 credits

  • Strategic Management in Healthcare (BUSN380)

    This course builds foundational understanding of the use of management systems in healthcare deliveries. Students will determine what management systems best align with an organization’s mission. Application studies on both Lean and TQM management styles will be completed. This course also requires students to explore how managers build teams in highly regulated environments and ensure the processes for completing work are practical, compliant, and efficient.

    4 credits

  • Healthcare Leadership (BUSN385)

    Students will learn strategies for building high-quality, high context teams centered on quality healthcare delivery. An assessment of how existing organizations integrate vision and values in to their care menu and delivery modalities will be required. This course is designed to help students formulate and articulate their own healthcare leadership principles, in both the stewardship of resources and the management of staff. Information interviews will create a platform for experiential and market-place relevant learning in this course.

    4 credits

  • Healthcare Law and Ethics (BUSN387)

    This course is designed to give students an understanding of the common legal and ethical issues in healthcare delivery. Students will evaluate cases to better their understanding of informed consent, as it relates to existing conditions, risks, and cost. Students will learn and assess various risk mitigation techniques for human resource, technology, and malpractice liabilities. The positive and negative aspects of corporate governance, community, state, and federal accountability systems in healthcare will be explored.

    2 credits

  • Finance Systems in Healthcare (BUSN389)

    This course will explore the unique and complex systems of healthcare reimbursement. Students will gain an understanding of how insurance reimbursement systems intersect with delivery and how providers use analytics to determine cost, cost sharing, and pricing. Students will also learn how hospital systems operate financially and how those systems comply with corporate governance and operational requirements. Students will use information interviews to build context for class content.

    4 credits

  • Business Capstone (BUSN491)

    Solving a business problem for an organization that is based on the functional areas of business. Demonstration of effective business communication skills. Exploration of career options using a variety of career exploration tools. Demonstration of knowledge of the functional areas of business by taking a summative exam. Completion of industry-recognized business certifications that show mastery of skills and knowledge in a specialized area.

    4 credits

  • Principles of Microeconomics (ECON202)

    Analyzation of market interactions using microeconomic supply and demand tools, considering market participants' values. Application of scarcity and opportunity costs to consumer and producer behavior. Application of production costs in perfectly competitive or monopolistic supplier models. Understanding of the value of human capital in microeconomic labor markets. Explanation of the economic bases of globalization and international trade.

    2 credits

  • Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON203)

    Analysis of fundamental macroeconomic concepts such as Gross Domestic Product, economic growth, unemployment, inflation, and government policies. Differentiation between Keynesian and neoclassical macroeconomic perspectives using aggregate supply and demand tools. Application of the Income-Expenditure macroeconomic model, the effects of fiscal and monetary policy, and the role of the Federal Reserve. Integration of Christian or personal perspectives with macroeconomic concepts.

    2 credits

  • Financial Management (FINA200)

    Usage of financial statements to identify information provided to managers and investors. Application of the time value of money and its impacts on the valuation of expected cash flows in making managerial finance decisions. Explanation of sources of financing, including costs and impacts on financial decisions. Measurement of financial risk and rates of return in managerial finance. Utilization of capital budgeting techniques including payback, discounted payback, net present value, and internal rates of return to make investment decisions. Integration of a Christian or personal worldview into financial management.

    4 credits

  • Business Mathematics and Statistics (MATH201)

    Study of core statistical concepts and skills using practical business exercises, examples, and cases. Practice data acquisition, data visualization, and data analysis using Excel statistical tools. Application of quantitative reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving methods to real-world business problems.

    4 credits

  • CORE Courses

    A distinctive feature of Bethel's programs is our commitment to the development of the whole person. In addition to courses within a program, students explore personal values and faith formation in a hospitable environment that respects learning from one another's perspectives. Rather than teaching students what to think about Christianity, we teach students how to think about the Bible, Christian history, and personal faith.

    • Community, Self and Formation (CORE300)

      An exploration of self in the world, based on personal experience and classical spiritual practices. Students are challenged to think systemically about contexts of family, faith community, workplace and broader culture as they plan for lifelong formation and contribution to the well-being of others.

      4 credits

    • Examining Crucial Questions (CORE330H)

      Summary of the Christian biblical narrative. Identification of the roles of scripture, history, experience, and reason, as they form convictions related to social and ethical issues. Examination of selected theological concepts using the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, as well as the application of those concepts to real life situations.

      4 credits


Healthcare Management concentration courses are offered fully online to Bethel University students through an arrangement with the University of Northwestern–St. Paul. Tuition for these courses is the same as for other courses in this program.