New Supervisor or Manager Certificate
New Supervisor or Manager Program Details
Adult Undergrad Adult Undergraduate Academics Certificates New Supervisor or Manager Certificate
Bethel's New Supervisor or Manager Certificate is designed to fit your busy life. In flexible online courses, you’ll gain sound skills and new insights about yourself, your teams, your company, and your world to advance your career.
Fully Online
You'll complete 100% of your coursework online.
Location: Online
Start Dates: Courses start every 8 weeks. Contact your enrollment counselor for details.
Total credits
16 credits
Finish in as few as
32 weeks
Financial Accounting (ACCT200)
Explanation of accounting concepts used by sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Preparation of financial statements. Calculation and interpretation of key financial ratios. Application of basic concepts of cost accounting. Discussion and evaluation of both biblical and ethical principles and their relationship to financial accounting and the profit goals of business.
4 credits
Introduction to Business (BUSN104)
Examination of business management and leadership styles applied to management and operations strategy. Analysis of how political, economic, social, technological and environmental factors impact functions of business in American and global contexts. Exploration of marketing, entrepreneurship, and small business ownership. Application of Christian and personal perspectives to ethical business dilemmas.
4 credits
Business Problem Solving (BUSN200)
Builds a foundation for understanding and solving business problems. Introduces business concepts and terminology, along with skills needed to solve common business problems. Emphasizes how to identify problems and the application of tools and techniques in solving these problems. Encourages the development of critical-thinking and decision-making skills needed for success in business.
2 credits
Management Information Systems (BUSN220)
Study of management information systems and various enterprise information system types. Using word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, desktop publishing and database software. Explanation of security risks associated with information management systems. Application of Systems Development Lifecycle to real-world information management systems. Communication of business information through data and visualization. Examination of ethical issues in information management from a Christian or personal perspective.
4 credits
Human Resource Management (BUSN302)
Exploration of the dynamic nature of human resource management from a Christian perspective. Application of talent acquisition and employee relation strategies. Analysis of strategies and responsibilities of human resource management and how organizations ensure compensation and benefits to produce results. Assessment of training and development practices. Identification of legal compliance and risk management. Preparation for the Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification exam.
2 credits