Maybe you need a course to qualify for a degree program? Or maybe you're wanting to add some skills. Either way, Bethel offers many courses that are a great option to meet your need.

Take a look at the current course offerings below. Once you're ready, you can register online.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Additional information

  • All course offerings are subject to change and courses may be canceled due to low enrollment.
  • Financial aid is available to students who are part of a degree program.
  • All undergraduate transcripts are required.

American Government and Politics — POLS100

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Examination of essential concepts, ideas, and facts from American politics and the discipline of political science. Development of connections between concepts and their relation to political phenomena. Recognition of the role of Christianity in American politics. Employment of political science methods of analysis rather than ideological opinions to explain institutions and behavior. Foster a thoughtful and civil approach to political engagement. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Basic Communication Skills — COMM160

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center

An examination of the fundamentals of the human communication process. Emphasis on communication in these areas: interpersonal, small group, public speaking and computer mediated. Concentration on how meaning is created, communicated, and transformed within personal, professional, and global contexts. FF: CAPS Goal Area 1.

Number of credits: 4

Business Law — BUSN335

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Explanation of legal rules applying to personal, real, and intellectual property. Analysis of the relationships between contract law, law of sales, and consumer law. Exploration of sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies operating within the socio-economic arena of the marketplace. Evaluation of ethical problems in the legal and regulatory environment using a Christian or personal worldview. Evaluation of how advances in technology impact intellectual property, contract law, criminal law, and tort law. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Business Mathematics and Statistics — MATH201

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Study of core statistical concepts and skills using practical business exercises, examples, and cases. Practice data acquisition, data visualization, and data analysis using Excel statistical tools. Application of quantitative reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving methods to real-world business problems. FF: CAPS Goal Area 4. SP: Completion of a 100 or 200-level statistics course is recommended, but not required.

Number of credits: 4

Business Problem Solving — BUSN200

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 6/22/25
Anderson Center

Builds a foundation for understanding and solving business problems. Introduces business concepts and terminology, along with skills needed to solve common business problems. Emphasizes how to identify problems and the application of tools and techniques in solving these problems. Encourages the development of critical-thinking and decision-making skills needed for success in business. FF: CAPS Goal Area 2.

Number of credits: 2

College Compositions — ENGL130

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Development of skills necessary for expressing oneself competently through writing. Emphasis is on the writing process, critical thinking, sensitivity to audience, core documentation skills and responsibilities, and revision (with peer and instructor feedback). FF: CAPS Goal Area 1.

Number of credits: 4

Environment and Humanity — NASC275

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Examination of how science, engineering, and economics work together to address and solve environmental problems. Exploration of the importance of the scientific method as it relates to the environment, conservation of resources, and energy. Evaluation of case studies will develop a deeper sense of stewardship to our planet. FF: CAPS Goal Area 3.

Number of credits: 4

Financial Accounting — ACCT200

View course dates and descriptions
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Explanation of accounting concepts used by sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Preparation of financial statements. Calculation and interpretation of key financial ratios. Application of basic concepts of cost accounting. Discussion and evaluation of both biblical and ethical principles and their relationship to financial accounting and the profit goals of business.

Number of credits: 4

Foundations of Business Management — BUSN301

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center

Analysis of key managerial functions in a business environment. Identification of global, political, legal, sociocultural and demographic environments. Explanation of how mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics result in purposeful management. Application of theories of organizational behavior to management and leadership in a business environment. Application of management decision-making models and managerial communication skills in a business environment. Explanation of concepts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in business that promote a positive workplace culture. SP: Enrollment is open to sophomore class standing and above.

Number of credits: 4

Foundations of Mathematics — MATH090

View course dates and descriptions
8/18/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center


Number of credits: 0

History of the United States — HIST250

View course dates and descriptions
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Examination of selected historical events using both primary and secondary sources. Development of connections between historical events with larger social, economical, and political trends and developments. Recognition of multiple perspectives when investigating historical questions as well as the influence these viewpoints have on both current developments and future challenges. Consideration of personal faith while exploring history’s significance. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Human Resource Management — BUSN302

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 7/20/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of the dynamic nature of human resource management from a Christian perspective. Application of talent acquisition and employee relation strategies. Analysis of strategies and responsibilities of human resource management and how organizations ensure compensation and benefits to produce results. Assessment of training and development practices. Identification of legal compliance and risk management. Preparation for the Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification exam.

Number of credits: 2

Individualized Internship 1 — ASIN281

View course dates and descriptions
8/18/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Development of career-readiness skills through on-the-job work experience combined with instructional activities designed to build skills in areas which include safe engagement in the work environment, job-seeking skills, career exploration and transferable employability skills. Learn and practice essential skills such in the areas of communication, accepting feedback, adhering to employer expectations and cultivating a strong work ethic. Apply work appropriate expectations to successfully maintain employment. Create introductory materials for a portfolio showcasing work-based accomplishments. SP: Graded on an S/U basis.

Number of credits: 2

Inquiry Writing Seminar — ENGL230R

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

While exploring a topic of interest, students learn college-level skills in research, writing, and presentation. Collect, summarize, and evaluate sources. Formulate, develop, and support a thesis; document; plan, draft, edit. Consideration of rhetorical situations (purpose, audience, message). Develop, organize, and deliver oral presentations. Formative feedback from peers and instructors. FF: CAPS Goal Area 1

Number of credits: 4

Introduction to American Cultures — SOCS255

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 6/22/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of various diversity issues within the United States, particularly as they impact personal experience, identity, relationships, and opportunities. Examination of personal values, assumptions, and perspectives as they relate to diversity and strategies for approaching diverse or conflicted settings with a biblical, faith-based or peacemaking stance. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 2

Introduction to Art Appreciation — ARTC150

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center

Cultivation of critical reading and writing skills through examination of artistic “texts” from a variety of genres: literature, drama, cinema, music, or the visual arts. Discernment of rich dimensions of the texts--technique, genre, social-historical context—and reflect on their spiritual signification. FF: CAPS Goal Area 6.

Number of credits: 4

Introduction to Business — BUSN104

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Examination of business management and leadership styles applied to management and operations strategy. Analysis of how political, economic, social, technological and environmental factors impact functions of business in American and global contexts. Exploration of marketing, entrepreneurship, and small business ownership. Application of Christian and personal perspectives to ethical business dilemmas. FF: CAPS Goal Area 2.

Number of credits: 4

Introduction to Psychology — PSYC100

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 6/22/25
Anderson Center
8/25/25 - 9/21/25
Anderson Center

Description of key concepts, principles and overarching themes in psychology. Application of psychological principles to personal, social, and communal issues. Evaluation of methods used in the science of psychology. Application of an understanding of the scientific process and experimental design to a critique of scientific journal articles. Identification of ways that psychology and personal faith can be integrated. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 2

Introduction to Sociology — SOCS101

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center

Major concepts, theories, methodologies, findings, controversies, and history of sociology. Contributions of sociology to Christian life and thought. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5

Number of credits: 4

Introduction to Statistics — PSYC335

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Introduction to descriptive, correlational, non-parametric, and inferential statistics. Description of the uses of research and statistical concepts in society today. Perform and interpret statistical analyses from existing data sets. Interpret statistical analyses in published research articles. FF: CAPS Goal Area 4.

Number of credits: 4

Lifespan Development — PSYC205

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Identification of the various stages of life from conception to death. Examination of the perspectives of various developmental theorists and their roles in historical, contemporary, and controversial issues. Analysis of the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial domains and their contribution to human development while maintaining a focus on individual differences. PQ: PSYC100. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Literature: How Stories Change the World — ENGL100

View course dates and descriptions
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Introductory exploration of great stories (both poetry and prose) and their power to illuminate the human experience, connect with readers’ minds and hearts, and portray great ideas, hopes, joys, and sorrows. Students gain experience interpreting literature with greater comprehension and pleasure. FF: CAPS Goal Area 6.

Number of credits: 4

Management Information Systems — BUSN220

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4/1/25 - 5/20/25
Anderson Center

Study of management information systems and various enterprise information system types. Using word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, desktop publishing and database software. Explanation of security risks associated with information management systems. Application of Systems Development Lifecycle to real-world information management systems. Communication of business information through data and visualization. Examination of ethical issues in information management from a Christian or personal perspective.

Number of credits: 4

Marketing Fundamentals — BUSN323

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Identification of the key elements of marketing including social media tools that influence marketing strategy. Application of the processes for analyzing, segmenting, pricing, branding and targeting customers in both consumer and business markets. Explanation of product development, the product life cycle, new products and line extensions. Description of promotional tactics and their influences on the marketing mix. Discussion of ethics and social responsibility in marketing from a Christian or personal perspective.

Number of credits: 4

Mathematics in Real Life — MATH180

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Intermediate-level study of college liberal arts mathematics: financial mathematics, mathematical models of growth, statistics and probabilities. Emphasis on application of quantitative reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving methods to real-life problems. FF: CAPS Goal Area 4.

Number of credits: 4

Motivation and Emotion — PSYC380

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Explain how biological, environmental, cognitive, emotional, and personal systems interact to initiate and direct human behavior. Evaluate how experimental psychologists study emotional and motivational systems. Identify connections between personal faith and/or beliefs, motivation, and emotion.. PQ: PSYC100. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Operations and Supply Chain Management — BUSN340

View course dates and descriptions
10/20/25 - 11/16/25
Anderson Center

Explanation of major components of supply chains and their impact on competitiveness. Evaluation of supply chain performance to make recommendations for increasing effectiveness and efficiency. Identification of improvements using quality concepts. Recognition of risks and development of mitigations in supply chain operations. Emphasis on the importance of building relationships with customers and suppliers. Application of Christian or personal perspectives to operations and supply chain management.

Number of credits: 2

Pathophysiology — NURS325

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 8/10/25
Anderson Center
9/29/25 - 12/14/25
Anderson Center

Examination of the physiologic basis for manifestations of altered structure and function. Exploration of differences in physiologic responses to health and illness in diverse populations across the lifespan from a nursing perspective. CQ: NURS305, NURS310, NURS326. SP: This course is offered for students in the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing program.

Number of credits: 2

Personal Financial Literacy — BUSN115

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of personal financial literacy, ethical principles, and both short and long term goals. Understanding of financial budgets and their connection to decision making. Application of various money management concepts to make personal financial decisions in the areas of borrowing, saving, and investing. FF: CAPS Goal Area 4.

Number of credits: 4

Personal Mission and Leadership — ORGL120

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 4/27/25
Anderson Center
9/22/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Understanding of self and external factors as they affect personal leadership. Emphasis on personal faith, personal mission and developing goals for future roles. FF: CAPS Goal Area 2.

Number of credits: 2

Personal Spiritual Formation — CHMN320

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 7/6/25
Anderson Center

Introduction to the process of spiritual and personal formation. Exploration of models and themes for formation and faith development, with attention to cultural and gender dimensions of formation models and traditions. Examination of both individual and communal spiritual journeys, practices, and connections to God. FF: CAPS Goal Area 6. SP: Enrollment is open to students with sophomore class standing and above.

Number of credits: 3

Physiology of Wellness — HEPE260

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Synthesis of current evidence-based knowledge empowering healthy decisions around nutrition, fitness, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Identification of patterns of stress reduction through spiritual and physical health. Explanation of physiological processes in the body. Analysis of the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health. FF: CAPS Goal Area 3.

Number of credits: 4

Professional Project Management — BUSN320

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of traditional plan-based and agile frameworks and methodologies used for project management. Use of business analysis frameworks to determine and effectively communicate stakeholder requirements. Preparation for the PMI Project Management Ready certification. Exploration of project management ethics and professional conduct. Creation of project plans aligning customer requirements to project scope, schedule, and resources.

Number of credits: 4

Psychopathology — PSYC340

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center

Classification, causes, symptoms, treatment, and identification of various forms of psychopathology. Analysis of faith based and secular perspectives of psychopathology. Survey of some major issues in the study of psychopathology. Critique research in the field of psychopathology. PQ: PSYC100 FF: CAPS Goal Area 5

Number of credits: 4

Racial Trauma — PSYC330

View course dates and descriptions
10/20/25 - 12/21/25
Anderson Center

Review of the origins and impact of racial trauma on the individual, family, and community. Appraisal of the different, yet related, concepts of historical trauma, racial discrimination, and structural racism. Identification of the signs and symptoms of racial trauma in individuals and systems. Exploration of approaches to healing from racial trauma. Evaluation of services, resources, and advocacy strategies for system change.

Number of credits: 4

Social Psychology — PSYC220

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in social psychology (including conformity, persuasion, social cognition, attraction, altruism, aggression, prejudice, and group behavior). Applications of social psychological principles to everyday life. Interpret and critique phenomena and controversial topics in social psychology. PQ: PSYC100. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 4

Succeeding in College — SOCS110

View course dates and descriptions
8/25/25 - 10/19/25
Anderson Center

Introduction to Bethel’s Christian liberal arts education, institutional tools and resources, core strategies and techniques for effective studying and writing. Balance between personal, professional, and spiritual wellbeing. FF: CAPS Goal Area 2.

Number of credits: 4

The Bible in Real Life — BIBL230

View course dates and descriptions
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center

Exploration of key portions of the Bible, including personal reflection in regard to its purpose in the world today. Draws connections with the broad arc of the biblical narrative, tracing God’s self-disclosure through the biblical text. Consideration of how the Scripture might intersect with daily life in the 21st century. FF: CAPS Goal Area 6.

Number of credits: 4

The Body's Response to Trauma — PSYC345

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 6/22/25
Anderson Center

Articulation of physiological responses to trauma. Explanation of the fundamentals of the memory process as it relates to trauma. Evaluation of treatment options that focus on the body-mind connection. Identification of how the body’s response to trauma intersects with a personal faith worldview. FF: CAPS Goal Area 5.

Number of credits: 2

Topics in Business: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence — BUSN294

View course dates and descriptions
5/26/25 - 6/22/25
Anderson Center

Use AI-based tools to generate text, images, and other content to improve productivity in academic and/or professional tasks. Explain foundational concepts of AI, including machine learning, neural networks, and generative AI. Critically assess the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content across various applications. Explore the concept of co-intelligence and its impact on creativity and problem-solving. Evaluate how human-AI collaboration can enhance innovation. Identify key ethical issues related to AI usage. SP: Topics courses should serve as elective courses.

Number of credits: 2

Trauma Informed Care — PSYC350

View course dates and descriptions
3/31/25 - 5/25/25
Anderson Center
6/23/25 - 8/17/25
Anderson Center

Examination of common symptoms of trauma, exploration of current trends in trauma treatment, and appraisal of evidence-based trauma treatments. Investigation of the current mental health crisis, with special focus on prevalence and treatment of PTSD in the military. Consideration of the role of religion/spirituality in the healing process.

Number of credits: 4