Grants and scholarships are gift aid, meaning they don't need to be repaid. Grants and scholarship may be considered taxable income at both the state and federal level. The aid opportunities listed below are available to students for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please visit our Aid Opportunities for 2023-2024 page to see what was available in the previous academic year.

Bethel Military Scholarship

Up to $1,200 per year ($400 per semester) for students who have served in the U.S. armed forces.


Up to $400 per semester ($1,200 maximum per year).


Scholarship is renewable, assuming the student continues to meet qualifications.


New, regularly admitted, degree-seeking students who are serving, or have served, in the U.S. armed forces (includes reserves and National Guard). Recipients must be enrolled at least half time for the term. Recipients do not need to demonstrate need, and are not eligible for other Bethel-funded grants or scholarships. Students already receiving gift assistance from any source (including military benefits) that fully meets tuition are not eligible for this scholarship.

How to apply

Submit the Bethel Military Scholarship Application.


Brace New Student Nursing Scholarship

Scholarship for new College of Adult & Professional Studies students admitted to the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing program for summer or fall of 2025.


$500 per semester


The scholarship is renewable. Students in a summer cohort may receive the $500 per semester scholarship for up to four semesters. Students in a fall cohort may receive the $500 per semester scholarship for up to five semesters.


Recipients must:

  • Be a new student admitted to the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing (B.S.N.) Program and begin studies in summer 2025 or fall of 2025.
  • Complete the scholarship application and submit it to Bethel's Nursing Department by the stated deadline.
  • Enroll at least half time—six credits per term—in courses required for student's program of study.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.


March 7, 2025 for students starting the B.S.N. Program during summer 2025.

July 15, 2025 for students starting the B.S.N. Program during fall 2025.

How to apply

Apply for admission to Bethel's College of Adult & Professional Studies, specifically to the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing (B.S.N.) Program.

Complete and submit the Ray and Genevieve Brace Nursing Scholarship application.

Business Partnership Scholarship

Up to $1,200 per year for students who are connected to a Bethel University Business Partner. Qualifying partners listed below.


Up to $400 per semester (maximum $1,200 per year)


Students must apply every year.


Degree-seeking students who fit one of the qualifying categories and are enrolled at least half time for the semester may benefit from this scholarship. Recipients do not need to demonstrate need and are not eligible for other Bethel-funded grants or scholarships. Students already receiving gift assistance from any source (including military benefits and employer tuition reimbursement) that fully meets tuition are not eligible for this scholarship.

Qualifying partners include:

  • Global Leadership Summit Participant
  • AACRAO graduate of strategic enrollment management endorsement program
  • Employee of an approved Bethel University Business Partner Employer
  • Employee of a CCCU School
  • Residents of FreedomWorks in Minneapolis, MN
  • If you received your MA degree from a CCCU school and will be pursuing the EdD degree through Bethel University

How to apply

If you believe you meet one of the above criteria, please download and complete Parts I and II of the application. 

See a list of our business partners to see if you are eligible through your employer.

From fall 2024 through summer 2025: 2024-2025 Business Partnership Scholarship application (pdf)

From fall 2025 through summer 2026: 2024-2025 Business Partnership Scholarship application (pdf)

Federal Pell Grant

Various amounts for students with high need.


Up to $6,895 for 2022-2023.

Students enrolled for fewer than 12 credits per semester will receive a pro-rated Pell Grant. Below is a chart of enrollment intensity relative to full-time (12 credits) enrollment.

Credit hours



(used in 2024-25 and following)



Enrollment Status


(used in 2023-24 and prior years)




12 (or more) 100% $1,000 Full-Time $1,000
11 92% $920 Three-Quarter Time $750
10 83% $830 Three-Quarter Time $750
9 75% $750 Three-Quarter Time $750
8 67% $670 Half-Time $500
7 58% $580 Half-Time $500
6 50% $500 Half-Time $500
5 42% $420 Less-thank-Half-Time $250
4 33% $330 Less-than-Half-Time $250
3 25% $250 Less-than-Half-Time $250
2 17% $170 Less-than-Half-Time $250
1 8% $80 Less-than-Half-Time $250


Eligibility is calculated each year based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Awarded to students with high need. Students are not eligible after completing their first baccalaureate degree.

Academic requirements

Must be a student in good standing.

How to apply

Complete the FAFSA.

Fostering Independence Higher Education Grant

A grant that seeks to eliminate the cost of education barrier for Minnesota students who were in the foster care system.


The Fostering Independence Higher Education Grant is intended as a "last dollar" financial aid program.


If you receive a Fostering Independence Higher Education Grant, each year you will need to reapply via the FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act to be considered for the grant. After attempting 4 years of full-time postsecondary education, students are no longer eligible.


  • Must be a Minnesota resident, including students who apply for state financial aid via the MN Dream Act Application
  • Must be younger than 27 years of age
  • Must attend a Minnesota public or participating private higher education institution
  • Must be eligible for the Education Vouchers for Former Youth in Foster Care OR after your 13th birthday have been in in foster care in Minnesota, including any of the following:
    • Placement in foster care at any time while 13 years of age or older;
    • Adoption from foster care at any time after reaching 13 years of age; or
    • Placement from foster care with a permanent legal custodian at any time after reaching 13 years of age
  • Must have graduated from high school or completed the equivalent as approved by the Department of Education
  • Must be accepted for admission to, or are currently attending, an eligible institution
  • Submit a FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act application
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

How to apply

To apply for the grant, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form OR Minnesota Dream Act application. Completing the applicable form will serve as the application for receiving a Fostering Independence Higher Education Grant, as well as other grants and financial aid resources.

More information

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education has full details on this grant opportunity.

For questions, please contact:

Please contact the Office of Higher Education at or (651) 642-0567 and select option 2.


George Floyd Scholarship

The George Floyd Scholarship reflects Bethel University's theological and practical commitment to stand unequivocally against racism and every form of sin that destroys the image of God in humanity.




This scholarship is open to both incoming and current students at Bethel who believe they have life experiences that give unique perspectives and strengths that the applicant will bring to the Bethel community.


Academic requirements

Must be enrolled at least half time in courses required for graduation and be in good standing. Scholarships will be pro-rated for less than full time attendance.


The application deadline is June 1 of each year.

How to apply

Complete the application and submit a personal written statement, video, or a combination of both. By submitting the application you are confirming that you are currently a student in one of Bethel's schools (College of Arts & Sciences, College of Adult & Professional Studies, Graduate School, Seminary) or you have applied for admission to one of Bethel's schools.

Growing Representation in Social Work Scholarship

Scholarship to encourage underrepresented populations in the social work profession.




Scholarship is not renewable but students may reapply in subsequent years.


Recipients must:

  • Be a current student pursuing the B.S. in Social Work degree or admitted to begin the B.S. in Social Work degree program for fall of 2025.
  • Complete the scholarship application and submit it to Bethel's Department of Social Work by the deadline of April 15, 2025.
  • Enroll at least half-time (six credits per term) in courses requred for student's program of study.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.


April 15, 2025

How to apply

Complete the application by the April 15, 2025 deadline. 

More information

Questions? contact

Minnesota Aspiring Teachers of Color Scholarship

Scholarship for students with demonstrated need that belong to groups underrepresented in the state's teacher workforce.


Up to $10,000 annual award for full-time students. Awards for students enrolled less than full-time are prorated on a per-credit basis. Full-time at the undergraduate level is 15 or more credits per term; full-time at the graduate level is six or more credits per term.


This scholarship is available only in the 2024-2025 academic year.


Students must:

  • be enrolled at an eligible institution located in Minnesota in a professional educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) approved teacher preparation program seeking initial licensure
  • be a person of color or American Indian
  • be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements
  • not be in default on a federal or state student loan
  • demonstrate financial need


The priority deadline to apply is August 1, 2024.

How to apply

A complete application must be submitted to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education by the priority deadline to be considered for an award. Applications will still be accepted after the priority deadline, but eligible students may be placed on a waitlist. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Complete applications must include the following:

A paper application is available upon request. Email

More information

Please visit the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for more details.

Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

A need based scholarship for Minnesota residents who meet the American Indian ancestry requirement.


The annual amount is up to $4,000 per academic year.


Renewable annually, up to 5 academic years for students in a four-year degree program, or up to 3 academic years for students in a two-year degree or certificate program.


  • Are at least one-fourth American Indian ancestry, or an enrolled member or citizen of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Canadian First Nation.
  • A Minnesota resident, as defined by the MN Office of Higher Education.
  • Enrolled at least three-quarters time (9 credits) as an undergraduate student in a program leading to a certificate or degree.
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Not in default on a federal or state student loan.
  • Qualify for either Pell or Minnesota State Grant and demonstrate financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


How to apply

  1. Learn more about the Minnesota Indian Scholarship and complete a separate online application through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.
  2. Complete the FAFSA.
  3. Email for additional information.

Minnesota State Grant

Various amounts are available for Minnesota residents who demonstrate need.


In recent years, approximately 18-23% of College of Adult & Professional Studies (CAPS) students received the Minnesota State Grant.

  • In 2023-2024, half of CAPS recipients received between $1,300 and $4,800. The smallest grant was $100, and the largest was $7,900. The average was $3,500.
  • In 2024-2025, half of CAPS recipients received between $3,700 and $5,000. The smallest grant was $210, and the largest was $8,700. The average was $4,400. No students will receive a Minnesota State Grant for courses taken during the summer 2025 semester due to a state budget shortfall.
  • In 2025-2026, we anticipate that Minnesota State Grant amounts will decrease compared to 2024-2025 due to a state budget shortfall.


Each year, a student’s eligibility for a Minnesota State Grant is calculated based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). After attempting four years of full-time postsecondary education, students are no longer eligible.


Minnesota residents with demonstrated need. For complete eligibility requirements, see the Office of Higher Education.

Academic requirements

Students must be making satisfactory academic progress.

The amount of a Minnesota State Grant varies depending on how many credits you take each semester. The maximum award is offered to those taking at least 15 credits per semester.

Students must enroll in a minimum of 3.0 credits in courses required for graduation, be working toward their first bachelor's degree, and be in good standing.

Credits from the fall semester cannot be applied toward a spring semester Minnesota State Grant (or vice versa).

How to apply

Complete the FAFSA before the deadline. The deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year was June 30, 2025. On November 18, 2024, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education changed the deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year to November 30, 2024.

Minnesota Student Teacher Grants

Various amounts are available for Minnesota residents who demonstrate need.


On a funds available basis, selected undergraduate and graduate students may receive awards of up to $7,500 for one term.


In general, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled in an eligible Minnesota college or university in an eligible teacher preparation program that requires at least 12 weeks of student teaching
  • Be student teaching for the term in which student is applying for the grant
  • Be meeting satisfactory academic progress as defined by Bethel
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Meet one or more of the following requirements:
    • Intend to teach in a designated rural school district in Minnesota
    • Intend to teach in an identified license shortage area
    • Belong to a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in the Minnesota teacher workforce

How to apply

  1. Complete and submit the Student Teacher Grants application via the MNAID Student portal. View application instructions.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Minnesota Dream Act and demonstrate financial need.
  3. Notify the Office of Financial Aid via email that you have submitted the application.

Priority deadlines for both student and college sections of the application

  • Fall 2024—July 26, 2024
  • Spring 2025—November 8, 2024

All awards are based on funds availability. Applications will still be accepted after the priority deadlines but eligible students will most likely be placed on the waitlist. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

More information

More information is available at the Office of Higher Education.

Returning Student Scholarship

A limited number of scholarships are available to currently enrolled students in the College of Adults and Professional Studies pursuing a Bachelor Degree.






Currently enrolled students who plan to enroll at least half-time (six credits per semester) and pursue either the Christian Ministries degree or the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing degree during the 2025-2026 academic year.

Academic requirements

Must be enrolled at least half-time in courses required for your degree or program, making satisfactory academic progress, and working toward a bachelor’s degree.


April 15

How to apply

Complete the application by the April 15 deadline.

More information

Completed applications will be collected after the deadline. Recipients will be notified by email in May or June.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH)

Up to $4,000 per year for students enrolled in teaching programs and commit to serving low-income students in a high-need field.


Eligible full-time students may receive up to $2,000 per term. This amount will be adjusted for less than full-time enrollment. The maximum total for undergraduate students is $16,000 and $8,000 for graduate students. (Due to federal sequestration, TEACH awards first disbursed after March 1, 2013, are subject to change.)


Students must apply each year.


Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens completing the coursework required to become a teacher. Recipients of a TEACH Grant must serve as a full-time, highly qualified teacher in a high-need field, in a school serving low-income students for a minimum of 4 years within 8 years of graduation.

This grant reverts to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan (with interest accrued from the date of each grant disbursement) if students don’t complete teaching requirements.

Please note that students who have a felony conviction may not be successful in obtaining a teaching position and therefore would not be able to fulfill the required teaching service.

Academic requirements

Eligible students must be enrolled in one of the following approved education programs:

Undergraduate majors:

  • All education majors
  • Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Spanish
  • Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) K-12

Undergrad students must score above the 75th percentile on an admissions entrance test (e.g., ACT, SAT) or have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 GPA (high school GPA for first-year undergrads, college GPA for continuing and transfer students).

Graduate programs:

  • M.A. in Special Education
  • M.A. in Teaching

Graduate students must be pursuing a master’s degree to be eligible (licensure-only students are not eligible). Graduate students who are not current teachers must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 from their most recent schooling; however, students who are current teachers or who are retiring and have expertise in a subject in which there is a shortage of teachers have no GPA requirement.

How to apply

Apply for aid through Bethel by completing your FAFSA. Then complete the TEACH Grant Counseling and the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement) online.

More information

If you don’t complete the required teaching service or other requirements, your grant will convert to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan. The loan must be repaid in full, with interest (accrued from the date of each grant disbursement), to the Department of Education. Once a TEACH Grant is converted to a loan, it cannot be converted back to a grant. From disbursement on, TEACH Grants are all serviced by the same servicer, FedLoan Servicing. For TEACH customer service and service obligation questions, please vist

After graduating or withdrawing from school, students must complete online TEACH Exit Counseling on the federal student aid website.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Students who receive 100% VA Chapter 33 are automatically considered for the Yellow Ribbon Program.


Amounts vary each year depending on the set tuition and fee costs. The Yellow Ribbon Program covers all tuition and fees not covered by the Post 9/11 GI Bill.


The Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) determines your eligibility. If your eligibility changes, you must submit a new CoE.


Students must receive 100% of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Students cannot be on active duty. Students who will no longer be on active duty at the start of the term are eligible for Yellow Ribbon.

Recipients of military educational benefits are considered for a normal financial aid offer which may include federal, state, institutional and/or private sources of aid. Adjustments to the financial aid offer are made when outside aid, including military educational benefits, create an overaward. If you have any questions about this policy and how it would impact your financial aid, please contact your financial aid counselor.

How to apply

Complete the Military Benefits Verification form. Submit your CoE to the Bethel Financial Aid Office.

More information

Visit Yellow Ribbon for more information. Or visit our Yellow Ribbon Frequently Asked Questions page.