On this site is everything faculty and staff need to know about applying for and managing a grant. Several people are available to engage and support university faculty and staff throughout the grant process.

Contact Us

Even if you're not ready to begin the grant application process, we can help you explore different funding strategies for your project, identify potential funding sources, and assist with proposal preparation. Use the Request to Initiate form to introduce us to your project idea, timeline, and grant needs.

All grant projects must be pre-approved (via the Request to Initiate form) before funding may be sought (formally or informally) on behalf of the university. To be considered for approval, grant projects must align with the university’s mission and vision, and they must not exert undue financial or administrative burdens on the university.

Corporate & Foundation Grants

Office of Foundation Relations
Angie Hjelle or Pamela Buchanan

Government Grants

Office of Sponsored Research and Projects
Deb Sullivan-Trainor

Corporate & Foundation Grants

Foundation grant seeking is a worthwhile yet highly competitive endeavor. Success is almost always the result of hard work to conceptualize and refine a high-quality project plan, careful and sometimes tedious research to identify appropriate funders, and a commitment to work closely with other university stakeholders to refine the activities and goals that will define a project’s success.  

When a grant is awarded, the Foundation Relations Officer will help guide you in the administration of grants, including compliance and reporting requirements. In most cases, he or she will work closely with the primary investigator or project leader to submit all reports via the Office of Foundation Relations, which will facilitate internal review prior to submission. In all cases, the officer must receive draft reports at least five business days prior to the due date for internal approval before submission to the grantor.   

Government Grants

The Office of Sponsored Research and Projects works with all government sponsored grants, including city, county, state, and federal funding. Proposal requirements vary by agency and can be complex and time intensive, so adequate time must be allowed throughout the development and submission process. Most proposals to government agencies involve an electronic submission process that can only be completed by the Director of Sponsored Research and Projects who has been designated by the university as the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). Research involving human subjects must be conducted in compliance with the policies and procedures of the Institutional Research Board (IRB). Approval by the IRB must be obtained before submitting the proposal. Research involving animals must be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to submission of the grant proposal. See Research Policies for more information. 

Government grants require prompt, thorough, and accurate reports. Financial reporting is coordinated with the Business Office, while research results and project outcomes are reported in conjunction with the Office of Sponsored Research and Projects.


It takes 40 to 180 hours to develop a typical proposal, and about three to six months to develop a highly fundable project design and plan. So don’t wait until you spot a great funding opportunity to initiate a grant proposal strategy. In fact, it’s advisable to plan ahead and contact us to begin the grant process up to a full 12 months before funding is needed for your project or program.