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Frequently Requested Institutional Information for Grant Proposals

Here we are providing you with institutional information often requested as part of the grant proposal process.

Frequently Requested Institutional Information

Bethel's mission

Boldly informed and motivated by the Christian faith, Bethel University educates and energizes men and women for leadership, scholarship, and service. We prepare graduates to serve in strategic capacities to renew minds, live out biblical truth, transform culture, and advance the gospel.

Bethel's vision

Bethel will be the Christ-centered university of choice for this century.

Rooted in faith. Committed to excellence. Bethel will become the leader in Christian higher education by building stronger communities, equipping confident leaders and gracious servants, and preparing passionate world-changers. Through our thoughts, words, and actions, we’ll demonstrate what it means for a university to be centered on Jesus Christ.


Official name of institution: Bethel University
Name in NSF FastLane: Bethel University
Official address of institution: 3900 Bethel Drive, St. Paul, MN 55112-6999
Official phone number of institution: 651.638.6400
Congressional district: MN 4th Congressional District
County: Ramsey County, MN6


Authorized organization representative (AOR): Ray VanArragon, 651.638.6804
Administrative contact: Ray VanArragon, 651.638.6804
Accounting contactMichael Johnson, 651.638.6208 
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) contact: Jonathan Van Berkom, 651.638.6934 
Institutional Review Board (IRB)—human subjects contact: Peter Jankowski, 651.638.6901 


Employer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): 410708577
DUNS number: 071777692
SAM unique entity ID: RDG1PW7YKSM9
Central contractor registration: Bethel is registered
Federal-wide assurance number (FWA): 00018734
Animal welfare assurance number: Number is generated with a grant application
U.S. Department of Education number: 00905800
MN SWIFT supplier ID: 0000198224

Budget and financial data

The fringe benefits rate for stipends and summer salary at Bethel University is currently 17.7%. This rate includes FICA and retirement contributions. The benefits rate for other salary is 35.4%. This rate includes FICA, retirement, health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and long-term disability. We anticipate a 2% increase per year for each of these fringe benefits rate.

Summer salary (faculty): Summer salary per month cannot exceed the base monthly salary for the academic year.

Release time for faculty: Must use actual salary.

Stipends: Varies.

Student salary rates: $10.50 to $14.75/hour, but may vary. Check with the Office of People and Culture.

Undergraduate student research rates: $10.00 to $13.00/hour but may vary.

Indirect cost rate: Our negotiated rate with the Federal Government for Facilities and Administrative Costs (F and A) is 54%. This applies solely to direct salaries and wages including all fringe benefits.

Fringe benefit rates: These rates may change every year. Be sure to use up-to-date numbers. Rates below are for the 2021-2022 academic year. (Updated July 2020)

  • Course Release for Faculty (TEUs) = 35.4%
  • Salary for Staff = 35.4%
  • Summer Salary/Stipends = 17.7%

Annual salary increases: Use estimated rate of 3%.

Definition of equipment for budgets for federal grants: Anything over $5,000.00.

Per diem rates: See the U.S. General Services Administration site for per diem rates for U.S. and international cities.

Mileage rate: See the Business Expense Report on the Bethel University Business Office, employee forms and policies page for current mileage rate.

Personnel Policies for Budgeting