How to Apply

How to Apply Timeline Banner

Interested in studying abroad? Follow this guide to make sure you don't miss anything! Below, you'll find eight steps organized by when they need to be completed.

Getting Started

These are some steps you can take today!

Step 1: Academic Planning

Start talking to an academic advisor and a study abroad advisor even as a prospective student!

Step 2: Course Petitions*

* This step only applicable to students applying to third-party programs

Find more details about these initial steps.


Take these steps up to one year prior to going abroad.

Step 3: Complete Bethel's Study Abroad Application

Step 4: Complete Your Third-Party Provider's Application*

* This step only applicable to students applying to third-party programs

Step 5: Commit to Your Program

Find more details about the application process.

Prepare for Takeoff

These are some steps you can take the semester before you depart.

Step 6: Complete Remaining Pre-Departure Items

Find more details about preparing for takeoff.

While You're Abroad

Step 7: Go!

Find more details about what you can expect while abroad.

After You're Back

Step 8: Return and Re-integration

Find more details about what you can expect upon re-entry.