For Parents and Families

Letter to parents and families

Topics of interest

Privacy considerations
Health and safety
Faith abroad

Frequently asked questions

Why should my student go abroad?
Is it common to go abroad?
Will going abroad prevent my student from graduating on time?
What does a study abroad program cost?
What is a third-party provider?
What is a faculty-led program (FLP)?
Will my student be safe studying outside the United States?
Can I visit my student abroad?
Why can't your office share details about my student's application or academic record?
I have some questions that are not answered here. Who should I contact?

To: Parents and families
From: The Bethel Study Abroad Team

Dear family members, parents, and guardians,

        Your student is about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Whether their program is overseas or here in the United States, they will experience challenge, success, and abundant personal growth, all while making a Kingdom impact as an ambassador of Christ in their new community. These are just a few of the many reasons why we believe every student should have the opportunity to study abroad.

         It is our goal and expectation that students will be both well-supported and independently engaged as they navigate the application process and their time abroad. Support and guidance is available to students through our office and through their third-party provider or faculty leaders. We are committed to walking with your student through every step of the study abroad journey, all the way from choosing a program through the transition back home.

         Not only are we and our providers and faculty available for support, but it is our hope that you as families would feel well-equipped to support your student as well. We strongly encourage that your student shares any and all information they receive with you so that you are able to have fruitful conversations around helping your student prepare for their upcoming journey. Below, you'll find a brief overview of some potential topics of interest, along with links to additional resources to explore and a list of some frequently asked questions.

          We are so excited to walk alongside your student as they launch into the life-changing adventure that is study abroad. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team with any further questions as they arise.

The Bethel Study Abroad Team

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Topics of interest

Privacy considerations

The Office of International and Off-Campus Programs must abide by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). FERPA protects your student’s educational records and limits the information that can be discussed with anyone—even you as family—unless your student specifically allow you to access their information. Wherever possible, we encourage you to have your student take responsibility for their education abroad experience. However, while your student is abroad, you may want to talk to the Study Abroad Office, Office of Financial Aid, or Business Office if problems arise with bills, registration, or financial aid. Your student can complete a FERPA release which allows an authorized third party (e.g., a parent or guardian) to contact the university on their behalf and discuss their academic and/or financial records.


Health and safety

Your student's health and safety is our top priority. Every student is automatically enrolled by our office in CISI insurance for the duration of their time abroad.

Please visit our policies page for additional information on Bethel's health and safety policies for study abroad.

Please visit our Google site for additional information on conversations to have with your student about health and safety before they go abroad.

Faith abroad

There are many opportunities for your student to continue pursuing their faith while abroad:


Pre-departure orientations (PDOs)
Our office holds a mandatory pre-departure orientation once per semester (each fall and spring) for all outgoing students covering topics such as health and safety abroad, budgeting while abroad, communication with friends and family, etc. This information is also located on the pre-departure page of our student resources site
If your student is going on a faculty-led January program, your student's faculty leaders will hold pre-departure meetings with their group throughout the fall semester
On-site support
  • Students traveling with Bethel faculty receive on-site support from their faculty leaders

  • Robust on-site support services for students provided by third-party partners. Please see each provider's website for specific support available.

  • All students have access to 24/7 support through their CISI insurance enrollment

Re-entry support
Bethel provides re-entry support to students through one-on-one meetings and re-entry events each semester.
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FAQ for parents and families

Why should my student go abroad?

There are many reasons your student should go abroad! Some top benefits of studying abroad include:

Is it common to go abroad?

At Bethel University, approximately 40% of students who enter the university as first-year students and graduate attend an education abroad program. Nationwide, approximately 10% of college students go abroad.

Will going abroad prevent my student from graduating on time?

Contrary to popular belief, study abroad does not delay students from graduating on time. In fact, a recent analysis showed that Bethel students who studied abroad graduated sooner on average than their peers who did not participate in an off-campus program.
Your student can meet with an advisor as early as freshman year to begin planning study abroad into their schedule.

What does a study abroad program cost?

The cost of going abroad varies by program. Some factors include:
  • program length
  • location
  • lodging options
  • meal options 

For third-party programs, students will be charged the price of their chosen program plus a nominal fee for Bethel’s administrative costs.

Bethel partners with a number of third-party providers offering programs at prices comparable to the cost of a semester at Bethel, with many programs costing under $15,000.

Please visit our policies page and our scholarships and financial aid page for additional information on billing and finances.

What is a third-party provider?

A third-party provider is an education abroad organization providing academic credit-bearing programs to students.

  • Our providers offer programs both abroad and in the United States.
  • Programs are offered during the semester, January, and summer.
  • Some programs are direct-enroll in a local university and others are fully conducted by the third-party organization (though they may still contract professors from local universities).

What is a faculty-led program (FLP)?

A faculty-led program is a study abroad program led by Bethel faculty. They are open primarily to Bethel students, but non-Bethel students may also participate. Bethel offers FLPs every January and occasionally during summer term.

Will my student be safe studying outside the United States?

Each student is enrolled in international insurance for the duration of their program abroad. Students are also required to attend Pre-Departure Orientation sessions covering health and safety tips and expectations abroad.
The Office of International and Off-Campus Programs evaluates each location for safety using the U.S. Department of State's Travel Advisory information

Can I visit my student abroad?

It is not recommended to visit your student during their program, but is definitely encouraged to visit afterwards. Please check with your student's program as in some cases visitors are not allowed at all.

We strongly recommend that at least one parent or guardian have a valid passport while your student is abroad. This would be a critical piece if your student has an emergency and you wish to travel to be with them in a time of need.

Why can't your office share details about my student's application or academic record?

Federal privacy laws prevent us from sharing certain information unless your student has given us written permission to do so through completing a FERPA release. However, we attempt to share as much general information as possible on our website. You can access program information, read materials for outgoing students, and much more. We encourage students to share all of the information they receive with you!

I have some questions that are not answered here. Who should I contact?

We would love to hear from you! You or your student can contact the study abroad team by phone at 651-638-6549 or email at (preferred) with any questions. Our student resources, policies, and how to apply pages also contain a lot of helpful information for you to peruse!

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