By Cherie Suonvieri '15, content specialist
April 08, 2020 | 10:30 a.m.
Stay home and stay connected with these online resources.
In a season of social distancing and stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, some may be finding they have more time on their hands than before. For others, perhaps the opposite is true. Either way, while we wait for the return to normalcy, there are a number of resources available to help Bethel community members spend their time purposefully.
Monday Meetups
For the duration of spring semester, Bethel is hosting Monday Meetups every week at 9 a.m., featuring familiar faces who will share tips and encouragement as we adjust to the “new normal” together. Bethel community members can find links to these sessions in the new Community Resources tab in MyBethel. Last week’s meetup with President Jay Barnes and President-Elect Ross Allen is also available online.
Christian Formation and Church Relations
The Office of Christian Formation and Church Relations at Bethel will be producing content for several new series until the end of the academic year. On either Podbean or Vimeo, you’ll find “Bethel Today,” daily short interviews with members of the Bethel community; “Hope and Healing” a weekly devotional series with Pastor Laurel Bunker; “Chapel 2.0,” a weekly virtual Chapel series; “The New Normal,” a weekly devotional with Pastor Jason Steffenhagen; and “Beyond the Brick,” which features weekly interviews with Bethel students.
RightNow Media Membership
Bethel’s partnership with RightNow Media allows faculty, staff, and alumni to access a streaming library of more than 20,000 biblically-based videos—completely free. You’ll find resources great for individual and group study alike (just remember to keep your group studies virtual). Use our link to register.
Bethel University Library
While the library's building and physical spaces are closed, there are a variety of digital resources and services that remain available. Students, alumni, staff, and faculty can access Bethel’s online video library, browse the e-book collection, or practice biblical exegeses by utilizing our e-commentaries.
Faculty Podcasts
While this isn’t an exhaustive list, there are many Bethel faculty-produced podcasts to be found online. Check out the Channel 3900 network for a variety of thought-provoking shows from Bethel professors in diverse fields. Or peruse Whole & Holy from Bethel Seminary for a collection of episodes geared toward ministry leaders. Sam Helgerson, program director for Bethel’s M.A. in Strategic Leadership hosts GreatRidge Station, a podcast for those seeking to grow their leadership abilities. Stephanie Williams O’Brien, adjunct faculty for Bethel Seminary and the College of Adult & Professional Studies, co-hosts Lead Stories Podcast, another podcast for leadership development.
Daily Wellbeing Updates
The Center for Wellbeing is providing daily posts to support the wellbeing of the Bethel community. Stop by the wellbeing website for daily encouragement, insights, and tips to carry you through this season of uncertainty.
Stay home when you can and stay well, Royals. We look forward to being able to gather together again someday soon.
Read the current issue.