Bethel Library
Find Videos
Streaming online video collections
Films on Demand
- Contains thousands of popular academic videos.
- Videos and playlists can be linked in Moodle or elsewhere.
Academic Video Online
- Contains contains 82,000+ videos spanning nearly every subject.
- Videos and clips can be linked in Moodle or elsewhere.
- Contains Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, New Day Films, PBS, BBC and more.
- Videos and playlists can be linked in Moodle or elsewhere.
- Due to rising costs, we need to prioritize curricular over recreational use of this collection.
If you find that a video you want is not immediately accessible, please fill out the form provided on the Kanopy site to express your interest.
Someone will be in touch with you shortly to gather additional information.
- A streaming video collection providing access to training videos in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy, psychology, and addiction.
LinkedIn Learning
- Contains video instruction on software, creative, and business skills.
- Videos and playlists can be linked in Moodle or elsewhere.
Talks given in the Bethel University Library's Primetime events highlighting:
- Scholarship and research
- Teaching and pedagogy
- And service activities
- Videos and playlists can be linked in Moodle or elsewhere
Other video options
- Search (nearly) all library catalogs using WorldCat.
- Some libraries will not lend out their video material, but it is always worth a try.
Looking for library tutorial videos?
Try our series of short, skill-building videos