Bethel Library
Find Theses and Dissertations
Find theses and dissertations online
Bethel dissertations and theses
- Full-text Bethel graduate programs (2015-present)
- Doctorate programs in Education and Ministry
- Master's programs in Education, Nurse-Midwifery, Nursing and Physician Assistant
ProQuest dissertations and theses
- You must limit to full text to find those freely available among those that are not
- Full-text files included in search results (once results are limited to full text)
- Search includes professional database features like relevancy ranking and "cited by"
- Excellent coverage of material from big-name U.S. colleges and universities
Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN)
- Useful for seminary students
- Includes D.Min. Theses from Bethel
- Searches PDF materials available online
Open Access Theses & Dissertations (OATD)
- All theses and dissertations are free online
- Search results contain a URL to the full-text file on college or university websites
- Includes Canadian, European and other non-U.S. institutions
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
- Search results link to the material as shown on that university's site
- Many university sites provide a free full-text file
- Some items contain a link to full-text
WorldCat dissertations and theses
- Includes older theses found in libraries
- More powerful search with subject terms and advanced options
- Some items contain a link to full-text