Services for Alumni and Retirees

On Site Use of Library Resources

If you have access to the campus, you are welcome to use our print and online resources on site in the library.

Note: license terms restrict off-campus access to the library's online resources such as journals, databases, and eBooks, to current students, staff, and faculty. 

Access to Bethel's Digital Library

This includes past Clarion issues, yearbooks, study abroad photos and more.

ATLASerials® for Alumni

Seminary Graduates have access to the ATLASerials® for Alumni database. Other databases are available for use on site in the library.

Free Online Resources

  • Visit our Open Access Libguide to view free and open resources.
  • Find full-text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • ERIC contains more that 1.2 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials.
  • Google Scholar is a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature on a wide range of topics.
  • PubMed has over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals starting in the 1950s.
  • JSTOR - While the library's full JSTOR subscription is not available to alumni, JSTOR provides free, read-online access to a portion of its content for everyone (over five million open access journal articles, ebooks, and images).  Must register for a free MyJSTOR account.

Borrowing Privileges

Alumni may register for a free library card at our library that will allow them to check out up to 10 items from the Bethel University library including Main Collection books, Lounge Display books, DVDs, Great Courses, and Audiobooks (some exclusions may apply).

Alumni can secure a library card in the following ways:

Retirees may check out up to 25 items from the Bethel University library including Main Collection books, Lounge Display books, DVDs (limit 5), Great Courses, and Audiobooks (some exclusions may apply).

Access to RefWorks

RefWorks is an online citation and bibliographic management tool. To continue access beyond affiliation with Bethel, alumni should update their RefWorks account prior to graduation.

Research Help

Click on the Get Help link on any page to contact the library. Librarians are available to assist you in your use of our resources.

Proctoring Services

Bethel University librarians provide proctoring services for students affiliated with Bethel University. See our proctoring policy for more information.

Resources Beyond Bethel

Minnesota residents

Your Minnesota public library card provides one-stop access to following statewide library services:

  • Find books, CDs, DVDs, articles and more through the MnLink Gateway and have them delivered to your local library. 
  • Search trusted information resources at eLibraryMN to find articles and ebooks on a wide range of topics.
  • Discover photos, documents and maps related to Minnesota history through Minnesota Reflections.
  • Get real-time answers from a library 24/7 at AskMN.