Bethel University Library Policies

Building-related Policies

Chapel Closing

The Library service desks will be closed for chapel during the following times:

Fall and Spring Semesters

10:15-11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Lost & Found

  • When we find something that has been left behind in the library we take it to the Check Out desk.
  • Wallets, keys, phones, IDs and similar things are taken to Security and Safety right away.
  • Less identifiable items like phone and computer cables, water bottles, etc. go to Security and Safety weekly.

If you find valuables in the library that are not yours, please bring them to the Check Out desk near the entrance. If you think you may have left something in the library, ask at the Check Out desk, then with Security and Safety.


Food & Beverages

  • Food and drinks are permitted except near computers.
  • Drinks must be in covered cups.
  • Wrappers and cups must be disposed of properly. There are numerous trash and recycling bins on all floors.


Collection-related Policies

Borrowing Privileges

Library Cards

All library users must present a valid student ID or Bethel library card to check out library materials.

Checking Out & Returning Materials and Equipment
  • Library materials and equipment may be checked out at the front desk.
  • Books and course reserves may be returned to the front desk or book drop outside the library.
  • Equipment must be placed on the front desk.
  • All items borrowed from BU Library (regardless of format) must be returned in the same condition as when they were checked out. If damage occurs, the patron will be charged at the library's discretion.
Holds and Recall
  • Books put on hold will be held for 14 days.
  • Books are subject to recall if needed for course reserves.
Renewing Library Materials
  • Bethel Library items may be renewed once in LibSearch if there are no requests for them.
  • Bethel Library items may not be renewed if another library user has already placed a hold on them.
  • Email Interlibrary Loan staff to request a renewal of an item from a non-Bethel library.
Revoking Borrowing Privileges

Borrowing privileges may be revoked if there are substantial unpaid or unresolved charges on a library user's record.

Borrowing Privileges at Other Libraries
  • You must honor the policies of any library from which you borrow materials.
  • You may use your Bethel ID to borrow directly from MnPALS member libraries.
  • Bethel faculty have direct lending privileges from the University of Minnesota.
  • Minnesota Theological Library Association (MTLA) member libraries offer direct borrowing privileges to Bethel Seminary St. Paul students, faculty, and staff.
  • Libraries participating in the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program (see below for more info) offer direct borrowing privileges to Bethel Seminary St. Paul students, faculty, and staff.


Check Out Periods

Collection Students Graduate Students Faculty/Staff MnPALS Members MTLA & ATLA Patrons Guests
Main/Lounge Collection 56 days 120 days 120 days 84 days 56 days 56 days
Reference Varies by Item Varies by Item Varies by Item None None 14 Day Items (Alumni/Friends only)
Audiobooks/Great Courses 56 days 120 days 120 days None 56 days 56 days
CDs/LPs 56 days 120 days 120 days 84 days (CDs only) 56 days (CDs only) 56 days (CDs only)
DVDs/VHS 7 days 7 days 7 days 21 days 7 days 7 days
Magazines 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours None None None
Course Reserves 3 hours, 3 days or 1 week 3 hours, 3 days or 1 week 3 hours, 3 days or 1 week None None None
Children's/YA 56 days 120 days 120 days 84 days 56 days 56 days
Games 7 days 7 days 7 days None None 7 days (Friends only)
Scores 56 days 120 days 120 days 84 days None None
Archive None None None None None None


Overdue Items & Fines

Overdue Library Materials
  • Three notices will be sent via email to library users with overdue materials. If the materials are still not returned, a final billing notice will be sent to your email address. Materials not returned after this billing notice will be billed (see below).
  • All charges that are accrued as a result of violations of borrowing policies and procedures will be sent to the Bethel University Business Office. If not paid, these charges will prevent a student from registering for classes for the next term, or from graduating.
  • If you have been billed for an item that you returned, please contact the library.
Book Replacement Replacement cost ($65 minimum)
DVD Replacement Replacement cost ($115 minimum)
Equipment Replacement Replacement cost ($65 minimum) + Overdue Equipment Fines
Overdue Equipment and Key Fines $5/day (non-refundable)

After 90 days (or 30 days for equipment), a refund/credit may not be available, even if the item is returned.


ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program

Bethel Seminary students may check out material from libraries participating in the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program.

User Guidelines
  • You must be a patron in good standing at Bethel University Library. This means no overdue books or outstanding charges.
  • You should be prepared to present proof of your current enrollment at Bethel Seminary.
  • You need to be informed about and abide by the rules and policies of the libraries you use.
  • You must return materials in a timely fashion according to the rules of the lending library.
  • You will assume responsibility for all materials borrowed, including but not limited to, payment for lost/damaged material or overdue fines.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Sandra Oslund at 651-638-6127 or



The University Library appreciates donations and decides whether to add them using the same criteria as for materials we purchase. Unless otherwise arranged, all materials donated become the property of the library and may be disposed of as we see fit. The library will acknowledge such gifts in writing but cannot offer a monetary evaluation of the donated materials.

If the above is not acceptable for any reason, we encourage you to donate to the organization listed below:

St. Paul Area
  • East West InterKnit is looking for books that would be suitable for pastors or training institutions (non-fiction Christian). East West InterKnit may be able to arrange distribution to their partner ministries in countries around the world including India, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Haiti, Bulgaria, Sudan and Burma (Myanmar).


Collection Development

The collections of the Bethel University Library are built with the primary goal of supporting the mission of Bethel University's curriculum. Secondarily, we collect materials that provide general education, enrichment and enjoyment. Materials particular to the individual needs of faculty can be acquired through interlibrary loan.

Formats Collected

We choose between paperbacks and hardcover formats based on cost as well as anticipated use and extended relevance of the item, with paper being the predominant choice. Each year we purchase an increasing number of electronic books.

Most newspapers are held for a period of about 3 months. Many are available electronically for older dates.

Journals usually are not added if not included in an index available through our library. Space limitations as well as changing user preferences and flexibility of access incline us toward electronic access when possible.

Films and music
These materials are added regularly in commonly used formats. Priority is given to materials needed for coursework, but we also add recreational materials as funds allow.

As a rule, we do not collect textbooks, except as a part of K-12 curriculum collection maintained on behalf of the education department.

Gifts and Donations
The University Library appreciates donations and decides whether to add them using the same criteria as for materials we purchase. Unless otherwise arranged, all materials donated become the property of the library and may be disposed of as we see fit. The library will acknowledge such gifts in writing but cannot offer a monetary evaluation of the donated materials.

Reference Materials
These items remain a valuable adjunct to the regular collection in both electronic and print format, although increasingly in electronic format alone. Many print items now allow limited checkout, while a few have retained their in-library-use-only status.

Electronic Resources
We purchase and/or lease electronic resources using many of the same criteria as other materials, but also consider the licensing terms, copyright, interlibrary loan privileges, user friendliness, ease of access, availability of usage statistics and stability of the platform.

Selection and Deselection Criteria

We take into account these criteria when deciding which materials to add to our collection:

  • Contribution to curricular needs
  • Cost
  • Currency
  • Significance, both short and long term
  • Reviews
  • Reputation of author/creator/publisher
  • Format
  • Licensing terms for electronic subscriptions
  • Availability among partner institutions

We welcome and actively solicit recommendations from our faculty for materials selection. All requests are considered and have final approval by the Collection Development Librarian.

Because our library has limited space and wish to remain up-to-date, we frequently deselect materials with the appropriate input from faculty. The following criteria are considered in our deselection process:

  • Date of publication
  • Currency of information
  • Condition of material
  • Continued relevance to curriculum
  • Use statistics
  • Newer editions available
Materials Request Policies and Procedures

The Library director allocates a significant portion of the library budget for departmental library purchases based on several factors, including faculty and student FTEs, credit hours taught, average cost of materials within the discipline and departmental research requirements and use patterns. These allocations are adjusted as needed to accommodate changing curriculum and enrollment.

Each fall the new allocation will be sent to the department chair or bibliographer, along with a report of the items purchased or encumbered so far and the current balance of the allocated funds. Departments may work out their own method for requesting among its faculty, but we suggest central coordination so that balance, fairness and accountability are maintained among the department members. All requests must have the approval of the dept chair. Please keep in mind the easy access of consortial library collections and consider whether an item you want is needed in our library or if availability in one or more of our partner libraries is sufficient to meet your needs.

Requests may be submitted in whatever form is most convenient: electronic request form, catalog pages, reviews, lists or emails. We appreciate as much publication information as possible, including ISBN or ISSN numbers. Please clearly indicate if an item is needed urgently. Once your department allocation has been met for the current fiscal period, we will stop ordering and set aside the rest of your orders until the new fiscal year. If you knowingly submit orders that are likely to exceed your budget, please prioritize them so we can be guided as we select among your submissions.

The institutional fiscal year dates from June 1 - May 31. While departments are encouraged to submit requests throughout the year, the library sets a deadline for requesting materials that will be counted toward the current fiscal period that accommodates the ordering, processing and widely varying delivery speeds of large numbers of requests across the institution. After this deadline, any money remaining in a department's library allocation will revert to general library funds. This deadline fluctuates somewhat from year to year, but most often falls in February.

While we value, encourage and give priority to departmental input for library purchases, librarians also select materials on behalf of the departments.