Executive Committee

Membership: The chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, and assistant secretary of the board and such other members of the board that may be appointed by the board.

Responsibilities: Responsible for meeting to act on behalf of the board between its regular meetings.

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: President, Chief of Staff

Academic Programs Committee

Membership: 5

Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight of program development and initiatives, review of key performance indicators and outcome measures of the academic program, oversight of university structure, and matters related to personnel for these programs

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Actions on academic personnel (appointment, promotion, tenure)
  • Review of key performance indicators and outcome measures (monitoring information from programs, including admissions and financial aid)
  • Oversight of university structure

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: University Provost, Associate Provosts

Advancement Committee

Membership: 9

Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight of development and fundraising for the institution. Oversight of University Relations to include alumni, family and church relations activities, oversight of the Bethel Foundation and issues related to capital campaign planning.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • University Relations initiatives and programs
  • Development and fundraising initiatives and the Bethel Fund
  • Outreach and partnership planning and programs
  • Capital campaign

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Vice President of University Advancement, Executive Director of Bethel Foundation, Senior Director of University Relations

Student Experience Committee

Membership: 6

Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight of student development and spiritual formation policies and initiatives at the university, across all campuses.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Campus ministries initiatives on spiritual formation, chapel, missions, and outreach programs
  • Student life initiatives and programs, including residence life, leadership, campus engagement, and policies related to student conduct
  • Athletics and Wellness Center Programming
  • The Center for Access and Integration (Accessibility Resources and Services and the BUILD program)

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Vice President of Student Experience, Vice President of Inclusive Excellence, Senior Director of University Relations, Associate Vice President of Student Life, senior staff from Bethel Seminary and CAPS/GS, Student Life, and the Office of Christian Formation

Committee on Trustees

Membership: 9

Responsibilities: Responsible for nominations for membership, orientation of trustees, recommended board development activities, and evaluation of trustee service. Recommends revision of policy and bylaws.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Nomination of new trustees
  • Orientation of trustees
  • Evaluation of trustees
  • In collaboration with the Development Committee, activities for board members
  • Revision of board policies and bylaws
  • Board Documents

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Chief of Staff, Executive Assistant to the President, Vice President of University Advancement, Vice President of Inclusive Excellence

Compensation and Performance Committee

Membership: 5

Responsibilities: Responsible for establishing and overseeing the overall compensation, benefit, and performance review policies of Bethel and annually evaluate the performance of the President.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on

  • Compensation Policies
  • Performance of the President

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: President, Chief Human Resources Officer

Finance and Administration Committee

Membership: 6

Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight of spending and policy decisions, tracking and analysis of administrative costs and effectiveness. Oversee investments and long-range financial planning.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Spending and policy decisions (approval of budget, contracts, salaries, retirement)
  • Tracking and analysis of administrative costs and effectiveness
  • Investments

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Vice President of Finance, Controller, Director of Budgeting and Planning

Audit (subcommittee of Finance)

Membership: A subcommittee of Finance and Administration

Responsibilities: Monitors the university's system of internal control, accounting policies and reporting procedures. Serves as focal point of communication between the Trustees, and outside auditors, including state and federal agencies.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Acceptance of the annual financial audit
  • Monitoring the University's system of internal control, accounting policies, and financial reporting procedures.

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Vice President of Finance, Controller, Director of Budgeting and Planning

Seminary Oversight Committee

Membership: 5-7

Responsibilities: Responsible to maintain the integrity and vitality of the seminary in keeping with its historic commitments. Provides counsel and advice to the Seminary Dean regarding personnel actions and, as requested, on curricular or co-curricular initiatives, development of financial resources, strategic planning, relationships with Converge and its regions and churches. Trustee membership is defined: the University President, the president of Converge, the chair of the Finance and Administration Committee, a Regional President appointed by the board chair, and one to three at-large representatives of the trustees appointed by the chair.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Candidates for seminary faculty positions

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: University Provost, Associate Provost for Post-Traditional Programs, Dean of Bethel Seminary

Strategic Planning Committee

Membership: 10

Responsibilities: Responsible for studying and recommending policies relating to development and monitoring progress of an institutional strategic plan.

Brings forward to the Board recommendations on:

  • Buildings and Grounds (facilities improvements and initiatives)
  • Campus Master Planning
  • Strategic Plans and Initiatives

Ex officio Bethel Staff membership: Chief of Staff, Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing