Department Office Supplies
Department Office Supplies are purchased through our contract with Staples Advantage. Purchase office supplies in the Campus Store or utilize the efficient method of ordering department supply needs to be delivered Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Minimum order is $50 per delivery.
Secure Document Shredding
Secure document shredding for offices is provided by Shred-it. For privacy, security, HPPA, state and federal regulations relative to a secure document shredding schedule for your needs, Shred-it securely serves our departments.
Bottled Water
Bottled water is available in large jug dispensers and delivered by Premium Water. For those departments serving visitors to Bethel University, consider providing refreshing water to serve the expectations of your guests.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation arrangements for your group needs. We help you make arrangements for groups requiring transportation ranging from 12 to 1,200
Copiers and Printers
Multifunctional copiers and printers are managed by Loffler Company. For more information please see the Print Services webpage
Bethel Logo and Promotional Items
Bethel logo and promotional items are available through the Campus Store. Whether your department needs are for one or 1,200. We are your procurement professionals to assist with your department or group purchases.
Procurement Consortiums
Procurement consortiums can be accessed for vendor discounts. For those specialized departments that purchase industrial, facilities management related purchases check the consortiums for discount options that utilize institutional and government contracted pricing.
Hotel and Accommodations
Local hotels and accommodations offer Bethel discounts.