In the Humanities Program, an emphasis is placed on experiential learning. That means you'll gain a deep understanding of Western civilization through firsthand interaction with literature, art, and music.

Some books or authors you'll likely read

  • Plato or Aristotle
  • Virgil - The Aeneid
  • Augustine - Confessions
  • Dante - Purgatory
  • Voltaire - Candide
  • Shakespeare - Henry V
  • Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France
  • Jane Austen - Persuasion or Mansfield Park
  • Frederick Douglass - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
  • Friedrich Nietzsche - Selected Writings
  • Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto and other writings
  • Sigmund Freud - Civilization and Its Discontents
  • A modern novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ralph Ellison, or Virginia Woolf
  • T. S. Eliot or Robert Frost
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship
  • François Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition

Some artists you'll learn about

  • Michelangelo
  • El Greco
  • Rembrandt
  • Monet
  • Copley
  • Salvador Dali

You'll also make several visits to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to see works by these artists firsthand.

Some music you'll listen to

  • Medieval chant
  • Bach
  • Mozart
  • Beethoven
  • Schumann
  • Stravinsky

You'll also attend a concert by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra or the Minnesota Orchestra, and a play at the Guthrie Theater. Students also typically put on 2 plays and attend 2 dances as part of their experience in the program.