PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options)

Bethel University students

PSEO at Bethel 

Get a head start on your college experience with PSEO.

Through Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) at Bethel, you can earn college credit while completing your high school requirements. PSEO courses are free to qualifying students, which means you’ll save thousands of dollars in tuition each year.

Minnesota residents who are juniors or seniors in high school are eligible for the PSEO program at Bethel as long as they meet GPA or test score requirements. Here are a few benefits that set the PSEO experience at Bethel apart:

Real college experiences

Our PSEO students are valued members of the Bethel community. You'll experience life at Bethel the same as any other undergraduate student.

Associate's degree completion

Begin PSEO courses your junior year, and you may be able to complete your associate's degree while still in high school. Talk to your Bethel advisor to learn more if this is one of your goals!

Highly available professors

You'll learn from professors who are passionate about seeing you grow and succeed. Our faculty are accessible by email and routine office hours, both on campus and online.  

Flexible options

With Bethel's online and on-campus PSEO classes, you can participate fully online, fully on campus, or some combination of the two. 

Robust online courses

If you enroll in online PSEO courses, you'll find interactive and engaging experiences designed to help you establish rich connections with classmates and professors. 

Comprehensive PSEO student support

You'll have access to a variety of support systems, including tutoring, writing support, spiritual support, mental health support, and personalized academic advising. 

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Bethel University students

PSEO eligibility

To apply to be a PSEO student at Bethel, you must: 

  • Be a junior or senior in high school by the time you start classes
  • Be a resident of the state of Minnesota
  • Either have a GPA of at least 3.0 or submit a qualifying test score (ACT composite score of 24+ or 75th percentile on a standardized test)

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Course options

As a PSEO student, you'll build your schedule with the help of a Bethel advisor, choosing from college courses that span 8 or 16 weeks. PSEO courses are specifically designed to meet high school requirements, and 8-week courses are staggered to allow you to build a full schedule, should you choose to do so.

Explore Course Options

Bethel University students in a science class
summer term courses at Bethel University

Summer Term

PSEO students between their junior and senior year of high school may take summer courses at the reduced early college rate of $250/credit. Most summer courses run during one half of the summer term, while others may run the entire length of the summer term. Courses vary in length and may overlap. Email with any questions.

Bethel University students

Interested in living on campus?

As a PSEO student, you'll have the opportunity to participate in college activities and use campus facilities—and if you're 17 years old by move-in day, you have the option to live in a Bethel residence hall. Just note that your family will be responsible for all associated fees, as room and board are not covered by the state of Minnesota. 

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PSEO info sessions

Aerial view of CLC

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Start your PSEO journey at Bethel.

Taking Minnesota PSEO courses can shave thousands of dollars off your tuition fees—and at Bethel, you'll find a PSEO experience set apart from the rest. Whether you take college-level courses on campus or online, you'll discover a community of Christ-followers who care about you and the person you are becoming. 

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