About the Bethel Student Council

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Bethel Student Council serves as the legislative branch of The Bethel Student Government (BSG). The Council's mission is to represent the student body on all issues of student interest and concern. Council members are elected by the student body to seek out the needs of students and use BSG resources to resolve issues and needs that arise.

The 2023-2024 Bethel Student Council
2023-2024 Bethel Student Council

Key responsibilities of student council members

The Bethel Student Council is comprised of six members, along with the Student Body President. The Council has members that represent each class as well as two at-large members. The Council meets twice a month on Monday nights at 7 p.m. in BC468. These meetings are open to anyone to attend!

  • Maintain close contact with their constituents (their class and assigned groups on campus) through regular meetings
  • Address issues concerning the student body
  • Write proposals as needed
  • Vote to approve/reject proposals
  • Approve/reject all BSG club and organization applications
  • Approve/reject the Bethel Student Government Budget (the allocation of the Student Activity Fee)
  • Provide awareness of legislation to the student body
  • Ensure the BSG Constitution and Council by-laws are upheld

BSG legislative branch accomplishments

  • Funded the Legacy Patio in partnership with Facilities Management
  • Funded the Valentine Patio
  • Funded The Underground upgrades 
  • Sponsors the Swingin’ on the Egg Event each year!
  • Funds Student Theater Ticket Program
  • Funds the on-campus ice rink
  • Initiates and funds other campus improvements


  • Sophomore, junior, senior, and at-large council member elections occur in the spring before the upcoming school year
  • The council member freshmen election occurs at the beginning of the school year


Contact the Student Body President! bsg@bethel.edu