Alumni Affinity Groups

Bethel University's community of 50,000+ alumni is becoming more tight-knit than ever before, thanks to alumni who are dedicated to providing opportunities for their peers to connect with one another and support Bethel's mission.

To receive invites to events and opportunities provided by these groups, keep an eye on the Alumni event calendar, and update your info so we can communicate with you. Are you part of a group of alumni that meets regularly and supports the mission of Bethel? We'd love to promote your group here, too! Contact us today.


Mission: BethelBiz pairs students with a mentor to promote excellence in the business community, the classroom, and the church. By investing in the life of a mentee, our mentors help prepare them to lead and serve with excellence in every aspect of life.

Events: Mentor-mentee gatherings, networking, leadership development.

Led By: Linda Goodwin '79

BUYA (Bethel University Young Alumni)

Mission: BUYA (Bethel University Young Alumni) are alumni 10 years out and less who desire to support the mission of Bethel beyond graduation and extend BU's impact by living out its core values as Christ-followers, character-builders, learners, truth-seekers, world-changers, reconcilers, and salt and light.

Events: Socials, alumni-student/alumni-alumni networking, community service.

Led By: Office of Alumni Relations


Mission: By connecting one-on-one with working professionals, COMMentor seeks to create a relational network that furthers the professional development of students. COMMentor will cultivate relational foundations between students and professionals through one-on-one mentorship, networking opportunities, and a diversity of learning experiences. Learn more by contacting Ripley Smith at

Events: Mentor-mentee gatherings, networking, leadership development.

Led By: Lambda Pi Eta (Communication Studies National Honor Society)