EMS & Room Scheduling

To manage campus spaces, Bethel uses EMS (Event Management System). Staff, Faculty and Student workers (upon request) can make requests for spaces.

Students wanting a space for a club or group meeting can visit the Loft of BC 4th floor or Scheduling Services in CLC 121 (a faculty or staff sdvisor’s name will be required).

Non-Bethel groups, please go to bethel.edu/rentals for more information.  


How to Use EMS

Requesting a space using the ems.bethel.edu is relatively self-explanatory, but EMS is a complex tool and can do more than just request a single meeting. You can request multiple dates and times, recurring meetings, resources such as tables for catering or materials, and much more. These articles will help you navigate EMS:

EMS Basics

Requests for spaces can be made on the website up to noon on the business day prior to your meeting/event.


  • At noon on Monday, requests for Tuesday are no longer available.
  • At noon on Friday, requests for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are no longer available.

If you no longer need a space, please cancel the room booking to allow others to use it.  

Please book the room with the actual start and end time of your meeting—you can add setup time and tear down time on the last page of the request. This helps display accurate schedules for other departments viewing EMS.

Need Help?

For further assistance with EMS, please email scheduling-services@bethel.edu. We also make office calls so you can learn and practice at your own desk.