Bob Schuchardt Receives “Spirit of Sodexo” Award

February 22, 2017 | All Locations

Bob Schuchardt, general manager of Sodexo at Bethel, was recently recognized for his outstanding service with the "Spirit of Sodexo" award from a pool of more than 1,100 nominees. Read the full story here.

Bethel and Sodexo Plan for the Future

February 14, 2017 | All Locations

Upon renewing their contract with Bethel University for the next 10 years, Sodexo has pledged to invest $3 million into the University. $800,000 of this amount will be used to fund the Act Six scholarship. Read the full story here.

Sodexo’s Mindful Initiative Showcases Healthy Dining Options

February 2, 2017 | All Locations

Bethel has recently published an article about Sodexo's mindful intiative. The initiative seeks to provide the Bethel campus with more healthy eating options through new menu options and simply-to-go items. The article outlines some of the details and background to the initiative, and can be read in full here.

Make sure to look out for Mindful items on your next visit to one of our locations!

Bethel Ranked 41st Best College Food In the Nation

April 8, 2016 | All Locations

Bethel was ranked #41 best college food in the nation according to We were also ranked #4 in Minnesota!

“We were quite happy. It really helps with the recruitment, new parents, and new students coming in, and admissions talk about it. How we change up the menu has been very popular," Bob Schuchardt commented on the news. "I am very proud of the staff, the associates, and the student workers.”

Read the full article here.

"Flexin' for a Cause" Helps Second Harvest Food Shelf

March 10, 2016 | All Locations

Bethel Student Government's food drive, "Flexin' for a Cause," was a great success and raised over $5,000! This money was used to purchase two pallets full of non-perishable food that was donated to Second Harvest, a local food shelf. Second Harvest came to campus last Friday (March 4th) to pick up the food. Thank you everyone for supporting a worthy cause and making this possible!

Top 25 in Sodexo Customer Satisfaction

February 11, 2016 | All Locations

Our fall surveys showed 97% satisfaction with campus dining and 98% likeliness to recommend to a friend.

The national average for customer satisfaction was 80.14%, making Bethel one of the top 25 Sodexo university accounts. Good work team!

Recipients of Student Employee Scholarships

February 5, 2016 | All Locations

Congratulations to the following student workers who demonstrated excellence and received student employee scholarships!

Full Meal Plan Recipients

Gabriel Day
Chinyere Okafor
Sarah Bylsma

Flex Recipients

Heidi Hankin
Lauren Handzel
Selina Pineschi

Taste Minnesota: A local food initiative

October 1-2, 2015 | All Locations

On October 1st and 2nd local vendors from the Central Corridor visited campus and sold a wide array of products, much to the students delight.

Taste Minnesota started as a partnership between Bethel and the Central Corridor Anchor Partnership to help promote local small businesses along the newly opened light rail green-line. The event took place over the span of 2 days in the Brushaber Commons where local vendors set up shop, gave free samples, and sold their products. Participating vendors were: Caribou, PB Crave, CityKid Java, InHarvest, and True Stone Coffee Roasters.

The event was a huge success with students: PB Crave nearly sold out of their products both days. Some of the products showcased (True Stone’s Cold brew coffee and InHarvest’s Grain bars) will continue to be sold and featured at Bethel locations. “Students got excited. Students got involved,” said general manager Bob Schuchardt, who initiated the project. “They loved it, they had a great time!”

Look out for featured products and another event in the near future.

New Honey Hive Logo

September 14, 2015 | Royal Garden

Earlier this year, Bethel's Royal Garden saw the addition of a bee hives and a population of bees.

We are proud to announce the new bee hive logo for the Royal Honey Hive.

Stay tuned as we prepare for some exciting and sweet surprises in the near future!

Bethel Remembers David Monson

August 1, 2015 | Monson Dining Center

Longtime trustee, donor, and friend of Bethel, David Monson passed away on July 11, at age 80. The Monson dining center was named after David and his wife Mary Jo Monson. President Barnes notes, "David Monson was a giant in Bethel's development into a thriving university. His vision as a trustee and his generosity as a donor were significant in pointing Bethel in the right direction and helping us get there."

Read the full article.

Sodexo Ranks 5th in Diversity Inc Top 50

July 9, 2015 | All Locations

Diversity Inc has announced that Sodexo has ranked #5 in terms of company diversity, making this the sixth consecutive year that Sodexo has made it into the top 5. Sodexo also helps clients develop their diversity programs and has one of the nation's best mentorship programs, where 60 percent of pairings are cross-cultural.

Read the full article.

Bees Arrive at the Royal Garden

June 17, 2015 | Royal Garden

Last summer, Bob and Ruth Schuchardt began a journey to bring bees back to Bethel. This May they finally arrived and were given a home in a student-designed bee house newly installed in the Royal Garden!

Read the full article.