As you go through the graduate financial aid process, you might need to use some of these additional forms. We've also listed a few resources we send in the mail in case you prefer to access them online.

Bethel Military Scholarship

Bethel scholarship for new, regularly admitted, degree-seeking students who are, or have served, in the U.S. armed forces.

Business Partnership Scholarship application

Bethel Scholarship for degree-seeking students who are connected to a Bethel University Business Partner. 

Cost of attendance appeal

If you believe that the standard cost of attendance (COA) does not accurately reflect your basic educational expenses, you may submit a cost of attendance appeal. If your appeal is approved, you will be offered additional loan eligibility funding. To apply, please submit the Cost of Attendance Appeal form. Documentation to support your request may be required.

Filling out the FAFSA form

You know you have to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, but maybe you're not sure what to do. Visit the Federal Student Aid website to find helpful information to walk you through the process. 

Military benefits verification form

Students who will receive military benefits for tuition and fees and/or books and supplies should use this form to report these amounts.

Release of information

Satisfactory academic progress appeal form

Secure Document Upload Tool

Send us your forms securely using this tool:

Tuition benefit request form

Bethel University employees may apply for a tuition benefit.

Verification worksheet

If you've been selected for verification by the Department of Education, you must complete and submit the appropriate worksheet along with signed federal tax forms to the financial aid office.