We are thankful for your ministry with Cru. We want to express our gratitude by offering you opportunities to deepen your knowledge and develop your skills as a leader. We understand that you're committed to your ministry. Whether you serve near a Bethel campus or wish to study online, we have a way for you to pursue a seminary education right where you are.

Earn Seminary Credit

Bethel Seminary and Cru make it easy for staff members to earn seminary credit through Cru’s New Staff Training program.

After completing New Staff Training, the credits that you’ve earned can be applied towards completing a M.A. in Christian Thought (MACT), M.A. (Theological Studies) (MATS) or Master of Divinity (MDiv) through Bethel Seminary. Cru staff are welcome to pursue any degree at Bethel, however New Staff Training courses are applied to the programs listed on this page. Contact your Enrollment Counselor for more information and a special tuition discount.

M.A. in Christian Thought

  • 27 Credits (Plus 9 Credits earned with Cru)

M.A. (Theological Studies)

  • 42 credits (Plus 9 credits earned with Cru)

Master of Divinity

  • 69 Credits (Plus 9 Credits earned with Cru)

Earn Seminary Credit

After completing New Staff Training, you can apply to receive the following course credits toward a M.A. in Transformational Leadership (MATL), M.A. in Christian Thought (MACT), M.A. (Theological Studies) (MATS) or Master of Divinity (MDiv) through Bethel Seminary:

New Staff Training Courses

Semester Credits

Bethel Seminary Equivalents

Biblical Interpretation

Bible Study Methods

Old Testament Survey


BT510 Hermeneutics

Intro to Christian Theology

God, Bible, Holy Spirit

Humanity, Christ, Salvation 


TS512 Systematic Theology I

Church History


Christian World View


HS510 Church History Survey

Equivalent Courses

You can also take equivalent courses to fulfill IBS requirements through Bethel Seminary. 

IBS Course
Bethel Seminary
NT Survey NT 516 or 518
Bible Study Methods BT 510
God/Bible/HS TS 512
OT Survey OT 516 or 518 
Apologetics TS 606
Christian Worldview TS 516
Church History HS 510 or 512
Humanity/Christ/Salvation TS 513

How to Apply

  • Complete a Cru Application during registration at New Staff Training, and Cru will mail it to Bethel Seminary for you. (Note: to receive credit for a three-hour Bethel course, you must complete all three corresponding New Staff Training courses.)
  • Submit an official transcript (U.S. schools) or NACES or AICE evaluation (international schools) showing an earned baccalaureate or higher degree. The degree must be from a regionally accredited college or university. 

    Electronic transcripts should be sent to enrollment-data@bethel.edu; hardcopy transcripts should be mailed to: 

    Enrollment Management Operations
    Bethel University
    3900 Bethel Drive
    St. Paul, MN  55112-6998


Requesting a Transcript

When Bethel Seminary has received your Cru application and all necessary transcripts, you'll receive Bethel Seminary credit for your New Staff Training coursework, applicable to the MATL, MACT, MATS or MDiv. For more information about requesting your Bethel Seminary transcript, visit the Office of the University Registrar.

Meet Our Team

We hope that once you receive Bethel credit for your New Staff Training classes, you’ll choose to continue your education through the MATL, MACT, MATS or MDiv at Bethel.  Please contact us for more information.