We are thankful for what you do with Young Life, and we want to express our gratitude by offering you opportunities to deepen your knowledge and develop your skills as a leader. We know that you're committed to your ministry. Whether you serve near one of our campuses or elsewhere, we have a way for you to pursue a seminary degree right where you are. All Young Life staff will receive a $150 discount per credit on all Bethel Seminary master's programs.

Credits and Costs

M.A. in Ministry:
  • 27 Credits (Plus 24 Credits earned with Young Life)
  • Tuition cost:  $9,666
Master of Divinity
  • 54 Credits (Plus 24 Credits earned with Young Life)
  • Tuition Cost: $19,332

M.A. in Transformational Leadership

  • 36 Credits (Plus 6 Credits earned with Young Life)
  • Tuition Cost: $12,888

Students can apply for both loans and scholarships. Learn more about each of these opportunities in our Financial Aid site.

Earn Seminary Credit for Training

Bethel Seminary and Young Life make it easy for you to earn seminary credit for your training timeline classes, Young Life's theological development program. After completing your training timeline classes, you can apply to receive the following course credits through Bethel Seminary:

Young Life Course Title

Semester Credits

Bethel Course No.

Fulfills Bethel

requirement* for:

Introduction to Youth Ministry



YL Concentration Elective

Leadership I: Foundations for Incarnational Ministry



TL566A & B Professional Internship

Leadership II: Incarnational Discipleship of Young People



YL Concentration Elective

The Minister as Person



SP510 Introduction to Spiritual Personal Formation

Old Testament Introduction



OT516 Old Testament Survey

New Testament Introduction



NT516 New Testament Survey

Kingdom and Cultural Intelligence



GC512 Global, Cultural, and Contextual Ministry

Leadership and Community Development



YL Concentration Elective

* Students must receive a grade of C or higher to fulfill Bethel requirement. Courses must be taken within 10 years of the time the Bethel degree is awarded. Courses will cease to apply to the Bethel degree when they reach 10 years in age.

Apply Your Credits to a Bethel Seminary Degree

Put your Young Life credits to work in one of Bethel Seminary's degree programs. Receiving seminary credit for your Young Life classes is easy:

  • Complete a Young Life Application during registration at New Staff Training, and Young Life will mail it to Bethel Seminary for you.
  • Send official transcripts from each school you have attended to: Bethel Seminary Office of Admissions and Recruitment, 2 Pine Tree Drive, St. Paul, MN 55112-6998

Interested in pursuing a full degree at Bethel Seminary? Apply online today.

Requesting a Transcript

When Bethel Seminary has received your Young Life application and all necessary transcripts, you'll receive Bethel Seminary credit for your training timeline classes. For more information about requesting your Bethel Seminary transcript, visit the Office of the University Registrar.


Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.